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OpenAI takes on Google with new artificial intelligence search engine

OpenAI takes on Google with new artificial intelligence search engine



New York CNN —

OpenAI on Thursday unveiled a search engine that uses built-in artificial intelligence that poses the most direct threat yet to a powerful rival of big tech companies.

The company is testing SearchGPT, which combines its AI technology with real-time information from the web to let users search for information in the same way they would talk to ChatGPT. The search engine is currently in early testing with a limited number of users, but OpenAI says it plans to integrate the tool into ChatGPT in the future.

The new features put OpenAI in direct competition with Google, which has long dominated the online search market but is desperate to keep up in the AI ​​arms race that OpenAI kicked off with the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022. SearchGPT could also pose a threat to Microsoft's Bing, a late-comer search engine that adopted OpenAI's own technology last year to better compete with Google.

SearchGPT allows users to ask questions in natural language, just like speaking to ChatGPT, receive answers, and then continue asking further questions. But unlike ChatGPT, which often relies on outdated data to generate answers, SearchGPT provides up-to-date information along with online links to what the company says are clear, relevant sources of information.

For example, a demo clip shared by the company shows SearchGPT answering a query about the best tomatoes to grow in Minnesota with information about tomato varieties and links to sites like The Garden Magazine and The Gardening Dad.

The tool also displays a sidebar with additional links to related information, just like the 10 blue links users are accustomed to seeing on a Google search results page.

“Getting answers on the web can be a lot of effort and often requires multiple tries to get relevant results,” the company said in a blog post. “We believe that by enhancing our model's conversational capabilities with real-time information from the web, it will be faster and easier to find what you're looking for.”

After Google and other companies experimented with early efforts to incorporate chatbots and AI-generated answers into search experiences, the OpenAI search engine may cement generative AI techniques that can create original text and other types of media as the future of finding answers online. But that future is far from guaranteed, given AI tools' tendency to confidently claim false information without suggesting it may be inaccurate or misleading.

OpenAI's new tool comes after Google in May began showing new AI-generated summaries at the top of some search result pages to help users avoid clicking multiple links to get quick answers to their questions. Google quickly stopped using the feature after it gave some users incorrect, and in some cases completely meaningless, information for their questions.

The rollout of Google's tool has also raised concerns among some news publishers, who worry that AI summarization could reduce web traffic by eliminating the need for users to visit sites for information, and that similar concerns could arise with OpenAI's search engine.

But OpenAI said Thursday it was partnering with publishers to build tools to give them options to control how they appear in SearchGPT results, adding that sites could still appear on SearchGPT even if they opted out of having their content used to train the company's AI models.




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