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OpenAI takes on Google with new search features

OpenAI takes on Google with new search features



OpenAI says it will incorporate learnings from its “SearchGPT” prototype into ChatGPT, adding online search capabilities.

OpenAI announced on Thursday that it is using its artificial intelligence engine to challenge Google's market-dominating search engine.

The startup behind ChatGPT announced that it is testing a “SearchGPT” prototype designed to quickly answer online queries and provide relevant sources of information by “combining the strengths of AI models with information from the web.”

OpenAI said in a blog post that SearchGPT is being rolled out to a small number of users and publishers to solicit feedback.

The San Francisco-based company says the improved search functionality in the prototype will be incorporated into ChatGPT in the future.

According to OpenAI, users can interact with SearchGPT through conversational queries, allowing them to ask follow-up questions just as they would when speaking to a human.

Google recently added AI-generated summaries of search results, called “summaries,” to its search engine, but some worry the move could reduce opportunities to serve lucrative ads.

The new feature provides text at the top of Google search results, before traditional links to your site, summarizing the information the engine believes answers the user's search query.

OpenAI's description of SearchGPT seems similar to Google's overview.

Since the release of ChatGPT at the end of 2022, companies in the sector have been engaged in a desperate race to deploy generative AI programs to generate text, images and other content through everyday language prompts.

“We're innovating at every layer of the AI ​​stack,” Google Chief Executive Sundar Pichai said this week on an earnings call for Alphabet, the parent company he heads.

OpenAI said it is working with several publishers to improve SearchGPT, which is maintained separately from training the generative AI base model.

“AI search will be one of the key ways people use the internet, and in the early stages it's important that the technology is built in a way that values, respects, and protects journalism and publishers,” The Atlantic CEO Nicholas Thompson said in an OpenAI blog post.

“We look forward to partnering with OpenAI in this process.”

OpenAI is inviting users to join a waiting list to try out SearchGPT.

2024 AFP

Source: OpenAI challenges Google with new search functionality (July 25, 2024) Retrieved July 25, 2024 from functionality.html

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