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Rise of the Village Hero Tenke Free Download

Rise of the Village Hero Tenke Free Download



Rise of the Village Hero Tenke Free Download for PC in one direct link for Windows. It is a great adventure and an independent game.

Rise of the Village Hero Tenke PC Game 2025 Overview


Rise of the Village Hero is an independent RPG in the charming kingdom of Roberta. Play as a man, a hunter returning to the house to find his village, and Warlington, under the attack by the sprites and the sprites. Fight to protect your home, reveal the cause of chaos, restore peace by exploring various lands, interacting with factions, and completing tasks. Discover the treasures, courageous fortified towers, and the needs of the hero Dobroja become!


Rise of the Village Hero provides a fair challenge. It begins as a holes, facing the ORC army, a battle that you were not ready yet. The game contains an educational curve, so use health doses and endurance wisely, upgrade equipment when you can, and avoid rushing in large enemy groups. Often save, as the game is characterized by permanent death, and use the fast preservation function to avoid loss of progress. Movement clicks on the movement, and the camera may take some getting used to you sometimes to scroll up or enlarge it to move around high obstacles.

My game features:


The fighting is simple but fun, combining quarrel attacks and rang with some useful capabilities.

The players mentioned the extent of their satisfaction to fight monsters, such as sprites, skeleton and ghosts, with the additional challenge of making their dogs in each meeting feel more tension and reward.


Combat power: Whilewind pirouetteunlock after the first educational endeavor, this skill damages close enemies. It can be promoted to level 5 by purchasing from stores and is better used when surrounded. Preparing it via the quick workbar.

The ability to heal: healing chanting

Use healing chants to restore health. He consumes endurance and has slowdown. It is upgraded to the 10 level, it can be purchased from stores, or gets a Quest bonus, or in the world, providing players with different healing ways.

Dialogues, tasks and reality:

NPC reactions are cheerful, funny and dirty, adding magic to the game, with dangerous moments to balance. The story is enriched through the tasks, dialogue and the main theme to protect your home and country.

Stock and shop management:

Find a variety of looting around the world by enemies, hidden spots or research bonuses. Manage your stock with healthy doses, equipment, and weapons. Sell ​​excess elements to buy better equipment and acquire the edge in your struggle.

Explore interiors:

Zoom/Outside of Work:

About me and my game:

Technical specifications for this version. Edition: Primary version: First Language Language: English 482c1bfa5aa5ae848898919652BD28CC0

Requirements of the village champion climbing system

Before you start ascending the Hero Tenoke Village for free, make sure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements.


* OS*: Windows 7 (SP1+) and Windows 10+* Processor: X86, X64 Architecture with SSE2 Instructions Set support.

Rise of the Village Hero Tenke Free Download

Click the button below to start the village champion's rise. It is a complete and complete game. Just download and start it. We have provided the direct link to the game.




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