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Drivers appreciate safety technology but fear autonomous cars


Technology can profoundly change our lives for the better, but it is not always welcomed with open arms. This is the case in the automotive field, where car buyers are reluctant to adopt certain key innovations. A new survey questions drivers about technological developments that have the potential to revolutionize the auto industry, and their response is mixed.

  • A new survey by ValuePenguin examines consumer sentiment regarding automotive innovations such as driver assistance, autonomous cars and electric vehicles (EVs).
  • The survey shows that 6 in 10 drivers are concerned about the amount of technology in cars now compared to five years ago.
  • Respondents appreciate the driver assistance features, but are less enthusiastic about autonomous cars and electric vehicles.

This survey was conducted in December 2019 and is based on an online survey of 1,120 Americans. The sample frame was proportioned to be representative of the overall population of the United States.

The ValuePenguin survey shows that 6 in 10 drivers are concerned about the amount of technology currently in cars. (Photo: Wallace Chuck / Pexels)

Fear of autonomous cars

Autonomous cars have met with great enthusiasm on some fronts. Some experts point out that this technology has the potential to reduce accidents and create safer roads. However, it takes some faith to hand over your car keys to artificial intelligence. Consumers have expressed distrust of this technology in some surveys, including that of ValuePenguin.

Those interviewed by ValuePenguin believe that autonomous vehicles are on the way. The results show that 64% think that autonomous cars will be on the road in the next 10 years. In fact, these cars are already on our streets in limited numbers. But while they recognize the imminence of this technology, the survey shows that consumers are not comfortable with it; 72% say they would not feel safe with autonomous cars on the road.

Although the majority of respondents are wary of autonomous cars, there are large differences in sentiment by age and sex. The youngest group surveyed belongs to generation Z, and 48% of them say they would not feel safe with this technology. The level of confidence in this innovation tends to decrease as the respondent’s age increases. Only 35% of millennials and 28% of Gen Xers say they feel secure with this technology. With baby boomers and those of the silent generation, 17% and 21%, respectively, feel secure with this innovation.

Women seem to have less confidence in autonomous cars than men. Among those polled, 78% of women said they would not feel safe with autonomous cars on the road. With men, this number reaches 65%.

Lukewarm on electric vehicles

The majority of respondents have no plans to purchase an electric vehicle (like the Chevy Bolt, shown here) in the next few years. (Photo: Chevrolet)

ValuePenguin’s survey suggests that electric vehicles are unlikely to dominate the market anytime soon. A whopping 74 percent of respondents say they have no plans to buy an electric vehicle in the next five years and 44 percent have no plans to buy a fully electric car. Only 30% plan to buy an electric vehicle in six years or more.

Again, there are big differences based on age and gender. Among the women surveyed, 51 percent said they would never intend to buy an electric vehicle; with men, that number is 38 percent. Among generation Z, 37% own or plan to buy an electric vehicle in the next five years. Only 13% of baby boomers and 10% of those in the silent generation plan to purchase an electric vehicle within five years.

Support for driver assistance functions

Survey shows that consumers support technologies that make the driving experience easier while allowing the driver to stay in control. They believe that features like Bluetooth connectivity, rear view cameras, adaptive cruise control and lane-centric steering make driving safer.

Forty-seven percent have a rear view camera, but only 35 percent of those who do have one fully trust and rely only on it. Sixty-two percent say they trust it a bit and use it with their mirrors. Fifty-five percent believe that driver assistance functions such as adaptive cruise control make driving safer. Forty-five percent believe that these features make no changes in security or a less secure experience.


Consumers have doubts and fears about certain types of automotive technologies. Automakers need to understand these perceptions. Armed with this insight, they may be able to change belief systems and expand adoption by taking steps to educate car buyers.

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