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Doom Eternal Marauder Boss Guide: How to defeat the toughest enemy in the game


Doom Eternal is full of deadly demons, but none are as disturbing as the Marauder. A former sentry soldier, the Maurader has many of the same moves as the Doom Slayer, including a short-range dash to avoid attacks and a powerful shotgun to inflict a ton of damage at short range. You will face the Marauder as a boss in the game’s sixth mission, Arc Complex, but later in the game, he will become a regular enemy that you will have to fight more than once.

The problem with the Marauder is that it is the most defensive enemy in the game. Where other demons rush into your face, absorbing all the lead you can throw into it, the Marauder actively avoids attacks with a large shield, while distributing a ton of punishments along the way. Fighting a Marauder can be difficult, but mix it up with other demons and it can seem overwhelming.

There are, however, ways to bring down the Marauders. This usually requires sustained damage and a lot of effort, and you’ll want to make sure you keep many small fodder demons on hand for health, armor, and ammo refills. But if you know what you do when you see a Marauder, you can prioritize the target and remove it before things get too difficult. The key is to position yourself appropriately to win the fight and quickly disengage when you run into problems.

Choose your range

The Marauder wears a large shield that protects him from bullets and he carries three major attacks: a short-range shotgun that does tons of damage, a long-range ax that he throws from a distance and a spectral wolf at which he can invoke ruin yourself. Each of these attacks can be dealt with if you are quick and careful, but all three can reduce you quickly if you are not on your game.

The key to facing the Marauder is to fight it at the right distance: not too close, not too far, but at about 10-15 feet. Above all, you want to avoid the Marauder’s shotgun, its most powerful attack, which means staying behind its attacks. At longer ranges, the Marauder throws his ax, but it’s an attack you can dodge if you’re careful; it’s hard, but better than the close-up of a shotgun. If possible, stay halfway on the Marauder and do your best to avoid its axes until it comes close to attack you in close combat. Watch out for his quick dodges, which he will use to bypass your side, so that he can bridge the gap and attack.

When you are further away, the Marauder also summons a spectral wolf which will strike you down and attack you constantly. Although it looks scary, the wolf is actually quite easy to take out with any weapon. Like the Marauder himself, try not to leave him too close. Explode it as soon as it seems to kill it quickly and save yourself some pain.

Perform a staging

You cannot damage the Marauder under normal circumstances because of his shield. Instead, you have to wait for the enemy to make themselves vulnerable when they engage in a short-range melee attack. You will see the Marauder flash green when it arrives, indicating that it’s time to attack. Shoot the Marauder at this time and you will shift it briefly, leaving it open for you to do more damage before it collects and attacks you again.

You can stagger the Marauder with any weapon, but the Super Shotgun is often your best bet. It does a lot of damage and shoots in a wide spread, making it difficult to miss your shot when you get your opening very short. The Super Shotgun is also handy for spreading much more damage while you have an opening. This means that you will need to keep an eye out for opportunities to use your chainsaw to keep your shells in stock.

Don’t forget the grenades

The Marauder will block most incoming fire with the shield when it is not staggered, but you can still get hits with splash attacks. Your grenade is handy for these situations, especially if the Marauder is supported by many other enemies. Try to shoot him at the side of the Marauder to avoid his shield and you will usually succeed in doing a little more harm to the demon, or at least forcing him to flee and possibly break his attack. The grenade is also great for catching wolves right after summoning the Marauder, so don’t sleep blowing things up while fighting.

To get away!

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The first fight with the Marauder takes place in a tight arena, but you will also see many forage zombies wandering around, giving you glory killing opportunities and other chances to replenish yourself. In the larger arenas where you see a Marauder supported by many other demons, try to avoid the view of the tunnel affecting only the Marauder. This is the biggest threat, of course, but it will also distract you while other things are approaching the sides and tearing you apart when you are not looking. Don’t be afraid to run away from the Marauder, find fodder demons and recharge your batteries. The Marauder will chase you, but even the fastest demons in Doom Eternal aren’t as mobile as you are. Use monkey bars, jump pads and teleporters to give yourself space.

Eliminate the Horde with the BFG

Late in the game, you will add BFG to your arsenal. This extremely large and powerful pistol has the ability to eliminate entire arenas if used correctly – it spits tentacles of energy that find and tear down demons, giving you a lot of wiggle room, especially when you have big enemies like the Marauder. treat with.

Unfortunately, you cannot kill the Marauder with the BFG. You can kill everything else with the BFG, however, and it’s not a bad strategy when you see a Marauder shooting at you with lots of other enemies hanging around as well. Often you will find BFG ammunition in the same general vicinity as a Marauder fight, as if the game encouraged you to go mad and use the massive weapon to tear your enemies apart. It’s tempting to hoard your BFG ammo for emergencies, but trust us when we say that fighting the Marauders with other enemies in the mix is ​​usually such an emergency.

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