Siri and Google Assistant hacked into new ultrasonic attack – Naked Security
Troubling news for everyone who relies on smartphone voice assistants: researchers have demonstrated how they can be secretly activated to make calls, take photos, and even read text messages without ever physically touching the device.
Double SurfAttack by a chinese-american university team, this is not a salon thing and is based on the ability to remotely control voice assistants using inaudible ultrasonic waves.
The voice assistants – the targeted demo Siri, Google Assistant and Bixby – are designed to respond when they detect the owner's voice after noticing a trigger phrase such as Ok, Google.
Ultimately, the commands are just sound waves, which other researchers have already shown can be emulated using ultrasonic waves that humans cannot hear, provided that an attacker has a line of sight on the aircraft and the distance is short.
SurfingAttack adds to this the possibility of sending the ultrasonic commands through a glass or solid wood table on which the smartphone was seated using a circular piezoelectric disc connected to its underside.
Although the distance is only 43 cm (17 inches), hiding the disc under a surface represents a more plausible and easier to conceal method of attack than previous techniques.
As explained in a video presenting the method, a remote laptop computer generates voice commands using the Text-to-Speech Module (TTS) to produce simulated voice commands which are then transmitted to the disc via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.
Researchers tested the method on 17 different smartphone models from Apple, Google, Samsung, Motorola, Xiaomi and Huawei, successful deployment Surfing Attack against 15 of them.
Researchers were able to activate voice assistants, ordering them to unlock devices, take repeated selfies, make fraudulent calls, and even ask the phone to read a user's text messages, including verification codes SMS.
The responses were recorded using a concealed microphone after lowering the volume of the device so that this communication would not be heard by a user nearby in an office.
DolphinAttack overlaps again
In theory, voice assistants should only respond to owners' voices, but owners can now be cloned using machine learning software like Lyrebird, as was the case. in this test. It is a kind of defense – the need to capture and clone the voices of the victims.
A bigger one could simply be the design of individual smartphones – the team thinks that the two who did not succumb to SurfingAttack, Huaweis Mate 9 and Samsungs Galaxy Note 10, did so because the materials from which they were made dampened the ultrasonic waves. According to the researchers, putting the smartphone on a tablecloth was even better.
SurfingAttack was inspired by the proof of concept DolphinAttack 2017, which showed how voice assistants can be hijacked by ultrasonic controls.
Elsewhere, the sound has also been found to be of interest to researchers looking to fill air gaps and exfiltrate noise data from computer fans.
Although hacking voice assistants remains a laboratory activity without any known attack in the real world, there is still a risk that could change. At some point, smartphone manufacturers will surely have to find better countermeasures.
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