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Epic bears the integrity of Fort Knight fans in Apple feud


This week, two tech giants head-on on what the world’s most popular games are all about. Epic and Apple have a Fortnite clash over the iOS App Store and the charges and restrictions Apple imposes on developers who want to distribute apps through the store. When you hear Epic explain, it seems like the company is in a completely different battle.

If you visit the Fortnite website now, you’ll find news posts that were first published on August 26th and have been updated several times since. This post describes what happened to the iOS version of Fortnite and, perhaps, of course, portrays Apple as an anti-competitive platform holder that prevents Fortnite fans from playing games on their iPhones and iPads. I will.

Why can’t I access Fortnite on my device? The first question in the Epics FAQ for that web page asks. In response to Epics offering a new payment option at a lower price, Apple retaliates by blocking Fortnite updates and new installations on the App Store, ending our ability to develop Fortnite for Apple devices. Yes, said Epics’ answer.

I only play on iOS devices and the next question begins. How do I regain access to Fortnite when playing only on iOS devices? The epic answer to this is more than a little bragging about: Hear your voice in the battle against the app tax! Send messages to the @AppStore using #FreeFortnite socially. Every player has a choice of payment providers, saving up to 20%. Apple disagrees!

If you followed this feud, you probably already knew that the epic framing was a bit off here. This isn’t really a debate as to whether people should be able to save money. Instead, Apple is having problems with Epic implementing a new payment method, which could reduce each in-app purchase Apple takes by 30%.

In mid-August, Epic introduced a new direct payment method to the mobile version of Fortnite. This promised a permanent 20% savings in that way if the user made a purchase using Fortnites Microtransactions. The reason Epic can get 20% off these purchases is that direct payments no longer offer 30% of each purchase to Apple and Google. Epic itself technically brings more benefits to the purchase of these direct payments, despite the fact that users pay less.

Apple and Google have, of course, responded by removing Fortnite from their respective app stores. For Android, the user could sideload the app on their phone after changing some settings, but on iOS it wasn’t a big hit because it’s the App Store or Bust. If the app isn’t there, it’s possible that the majority of iOS users don’t have it.

That’s why Fortnites hit Epic a lot. That’s why Epic prepared for this kind of response. As soon as Fort Knight was removed from the App Store, Epic not only filed a lawsuit against Apple in court, but also released a video that parodyed Apple’s advertising since 1984. A company that needs at least too much power (in the context of iOS) to be constrained.

It was an impressive reaction, but it was also a bit creepy temptation. Many immediately pointed out that Apple and Epic are both billions of companies and are in a fierce competition for app store pricing. And of course, there is the fact that while trying to expand the Epic Games Store, Epic is paying for the truckload of cash to secure its monopoly. It wasn’t once a PC. For some gamers (including myself), paying exclusivity as a violent way to the market is a very anti-competitive act.

So it’s a little richer for Epic to ask Apple to take anti-competitive action when it’s not really straightforward to level out the same criticisms against Epic in a war with Steam. On the surface, the epic battle on both fronts is about the tough costs that owners of these platforms impose on store occupants. Like Apple, Valve makes up 30% of every sale on Steam. This number goes down as game sales increase. On the other hand, Epic only receives 12% of each sale on the Epic Games Store, so it’s definitely a much better arrangement for developers.

The things are: If honest and frank about why only Epic chose this fight, Epic’s Crusade against Apple would praise it more. The obvious Epic doesn’t like Apple paying a 30% fee, and frankly, many would agree that 30% is probably a little too high. They may not agree that Apple deserves nothing. This is essentially what Epic is proposing with a direct payment scheme, but when I face the truth about App Store pricing, the amount that Apple skims from above settles somewhere above 0%. But still well below 30%.

Most people will also agree that iOS users should have many more options besides the App Store for finding and installing apps. Personally, once you buy a cell phone, it’s up to you to do what you want. If you only have one source to download and install the app, it would be ridiculously unacceptable to a PC (or even Mac, which is a hot topic at Apple). ), so there is a very solid discussion for opening an iOS device.

The fact that Epic doesn’t think that Fortnite players should save 20% on microtransactions is ridiculous because the fact that Apple is framing this as a controversy is stupid. Epic seems to be expecting the young player base to win the Fortnites side without considering the details of this discrepancy. They may do it, but misleading children are not proud here.

The rest of us will have to look to this space between monolithic companies, where billions of financial resources are hidden. Epic may have good reason to join the war with Apple, but he’s having a hard time finding sympathy for it, given how it characterizes disagreement.

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