Canadian Technology Investor John Ruforo Paralyzed By Cycling Crash
One of Canada’s most famous figures in the innovation sector, John Ruffolo, was paralyzed under his waist as a transport truck collided while cycling north of Toronto last week.
Former CEO of OMERS Ventures, Ruffolo was riding a transportation truck in Markham last Wednesday afternoon riding a bicycle. 54-year-old Ruffolo was taken to Surrey Brooks Hospital, where York District Police said it was the first life-threatening injury, but the truck driver remained on the scene. Police are investigating the accident and are seeking witnesses.
Mark Maybank, who partnered with Laforo to launch a growth equity fund for Canadian companies, said Laforo suffered from a spine and pelvic fracture and doctors said he would never walk again. It was According to Maybank, Mr. Laforo also had no head injuries and helped contact him about the incident. He is very elastic.
In a social media post on Monday, Ruffolo said: Work for Canada’s innovation. He also sought privacy for his family.
Ruffolos wife Carryn Ruffolo said in a statement that after the surgery, Ruffolo was in pain, but he kept in touch and was fully aware of what had happened around him since the accident. I said. We are very grateful that he did not endure his head injury and John is still here as John.
Tonight, @ ruffoloj and his family are being hired by Canadian innovators, business leaders, start-up founders, and technical workers who have benefited directly and indirectly from Johns, who have had a huge impact on Canada’s innovation ecosystem. I want to let you know that you are in the corner. #cdntech
Canadian Innovator (CCI) (@CADInnovators) September 7, 2020
John Ruffolo has incredible power in Canada for growing innovation. He defends entrepreneurs in our country and shows immense strength. I am very grateful for his friendship and that he is here for his country and his family.
Arlen Dickinson (@ArleneDickinson) September 7, 2020
Ruffolo began his career as a professional CPA and started managing the technology division of Arthur Andersen. Shortly before the Canadian office merged with Deloitte in 2002, he became a global partner, advising Canada’s most prominent technology companies in their post-bankruptcy lives.
In 2011, Michael Novrega, a former boss from Arthur Andersen and CEO of the Ontario Employee Retirement System (OMERS), hired Ruffolo to lead a new division investing in technology startups. This puts Ruffolo at the forefront of the decade of explosive growth in the Canadian technology ecosystem. OMERS Ventures supported Canada’s most prominent emerging technology companies, including Shopify Inc., Hootsuite Media Inc. and D2L Corp.
Ruffolo has also spent the last decade building the infrastructure that powers the country’s startup ecosystem. Together with former BlackBerry co-CEO Jim Balsilly, he co-founded the Canada Innovator Council, a lobby group of fast-growing domestic scale-up technology companies. While at OMERS, he helped establish the OneEleven startup hub. The hub has grown into a centerpiece in the Toronto tech community and was closed this year. OneEleven’s naming rights have been transferred to the Ontario Centers of Excellence, a government agency that finances the commercialization of new technologies and headed by Ruffolo.
Bulgeley has seen Johns’ courage, integrity and determination firsthand. He has always been the largest champion of technology entrepreneurs in Canada and is now our turn to rally behind him to ensure that both his family and business life remain strong.
Ruffolo left OMERS at the end of 2018 and is working on the launch of Maverix Private Equity, aiming for the first close of the first fund in early 2021.
The news of Ruffolos’ injuries shocked the Canadian tech community. At the moment, he’s focusing his attention on John and his family, said Sid Packet, a former managing partner at OMERS Ventures, who now heads Technology and Innovation Banking at Royal Bank of Canada. John is not only a passionate and respected leader in the tech community, but a very close friend and mentor to many of us. This was a very tragic accident. John has many friends and we all know that we can survive this difficult time and unite to support him and his family as much as possible. We pray for the earliest possible recovery.
According to Maybank, the Maverix storyline has not changed. As a human, John will return as soon as he can, while waiting for the progress of his rehabilitation. Maybank further promises that he will pursue his passion for Canadian innovation and new private equity funds, and he will do everything he can. Maverix continues the parallel path to Johns recovery.
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