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17th Purdue in US News Public Universities Ranking, Selected as Top 5 Innovative Schools


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The graduation photo was taken at Purdue University in West Lafayette at Gateway Rush on Thursday, May 7, 2020. (Photo: Nikos Frazier | Journal & Courier)

According to the 2021 magazine’s annual report released on Monday, West Raphaet Purdue moved up four slots in the US News and World Report college and college rankings, ranking 53rd among all schools. Was ranked in.

Purdue also ranked 17th in public schools, up one from a year ago.

The university advertised its ranking as fifth among what the US News & World Report calls the most innovative schools. It increased by one slot compared to the previous year, and Purdue overtook Stanford. The ranking is based on a survey of university presidents, deans, and admissions directors who are required to recommend up to 15 schools each year to innovatively improve their curriculum, faculty, students, campus life, technology, or facilities.

Purdue was fifth behind Arizona State University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Georgia State University, and Georgia Institute of Technology.

Ingenuity and innovation are a big part of what defines Purdue, Purdue Provost Jay Akridge said in a college release. This attracts some of the most promising students in the world and brings some of the best faculty and staff to West Lafayette.

Big Ten Schools, National Public Schools Rank: Northwestern University, Big Tens’ only private school, ranked 9th among all colleges and universities. In the public school rankings, Big Ten schools are rated as follows: Michigan, third. Wisconsin, 13th; Illinois, 15th; Purdue and Ohio, 17th. Maryland, 19th. Pennsylvania State University and Rutgers, 23rd. Minnesota, 26th. Indiana, 31st. Michigan, 32nd; Iowa, 34th. Nebraska, 62nd.

Best National Universities: Princeton, Harvard, Colombia, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale, Stanford, University of Chicago, University of Pennsylvania, California Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins, Northwestern.

Top Public Universities: UCLA, University of California, Berkeley, Michigan, Virginia, North Carolina-Chapel Hill, University of California, Santa Barbara, Florida, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of California, Irvine, University of California, San Diego.

Other Purdue Rankings: Faculty of Engineering, 9th. Agriculture and biotechnology, first. Industrial engineering, second. Civil engineering, third. Aviation and space engineering, fifth. Computer Science, No. 20; No. Best College for Veterans. 27; The best school for co-ops and internships, No. 13.

Among other schools in Indiana:

The University of Notre Dame is the best of all Indiana schools in the national ranking. It was selected as the 19th best university in the country, slightly lower than last year’s 15th place. It was also selected as the “best value” in the 25th place in the country and the 26th place in the country in undergraduate education. Princeton University, Harvard University, and Columbia University have surpassed the list of the best schools in the country this year. Wabash College in Crawfordsville was ranked 54th among the National Colleges of Liberal Arts, improving 12 spots. Wabash is ranked 21st nationwide as the Best Value School. Among other liberal arts schools in Indiana, DePauw University has 47 times and Earlham College has 84 times this year. Mary’s College was ranked 96th. Butler University in Indianapolis has been named the best university in the Midwest for the third consecutive year in the US News and World Reports Annual Rankings of US Colleges and Universities announced today. Butler has also surpassed the list of the most innovative schools for the sixth consecutive year, making it the third best undergraduate education in the Center-Ouest Region. Ball State University fell in this number of rankings, but the university said the placement was not accurate. The university said in a news release that the annual survey was sent to two people who were no longer working in Ball State. As a result, the school does not provide current figures for the data used to calculate the rankings, and some data points are completely missing. Last year, Ballstate ranked 95th on the list of the best public schools in the country. This year was the 144th time. If the university was able to submit our data, we are confident that we would have maintained our historically strong position in the ranking of publications among the country’s top public and private universities. Yes, a spokesperson said in a news release Monday morning.

Contribution: Arika Herron / Indy Star. You can contact Dave Bangert at 765-420-5258 or [email protected]. Follow us on Twitter: @davebangert.

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