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Coronavirus lockdown in the UK to be in place until June, warns government scientist


Britain must remain fully locked in until June to avoid the worst effects of the coronavirus, warned the chief government epidemiologist.

As the virus celebrated its 1000th life in the UK – doubling the death toll in just three days, Professor Neil Ferguson said in an interview that the entire population may need to stay at home for almost three months. .

Boris Johnson said yesterday that the pandemic crisis would only get worse before it got better.

He was forced to hold a videoconference from his study in No. 11 Downing Street after testing positive for the virus.

Senior government officials have been more optimistic, saying the restrictions could be relaxed before June, with the peak of the crisis expected to arrive in the week of April 12 with 5,700 deaths.

But Professor Ferguson of Imperial College told the Sunday Times: We will have to keep these measures in place, in my opinion, for a significant period of time – probably until the end of May, possibly even early June. May is optimistic. “

He said that when the lock was lifted, people would likely still be asked to impose social distancing for months.

Boris Johnson locked in Number 11 Downing Street study as he writes across the country
(Image: via REUTERS)

This could mean that schools and universities will not reopen until the fall and that people should continue working from home rather than returning to their offices.

The grim diagnosis came after the death toll from the coronavirus jumped 260 in one day to a total of 1,019 people. More than 17,000 people tested positive.

To ensure the proper functioning of the lockdown, the government sends each household a leaflet on the procedure to follow and a letter from the Prime Minister, at a total cost of 5.8 million euros.

In this document, the PM said: “From the start, we have sought to take the right measures at the right time.

“We will not hesitate to go further if that is what scientific and medical advice tells us to do.

“It’s important for me to match you. We know things will get worse before they get better.

“But we are making the right preparations, and the more we follow all the rules, the fewer lives will be lost and the faster life will be able to return to normal.

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Coronavirus epidemic

“I want to thank everyone who is working so hard to fight the virus, especially the staff of our fantastic NHS and the healthcare industry in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

“It has been truly inspiring to see our doctors, nurses and other caregivers respond beautifully to the needs of the day.

“Thousands of retired doctors and nurses are returning to the NHS – and hundreds of thousands of citizens are volunteering to help the most vulnerable.

“This is why, in this moment of national emergency, I urge you, please, to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives.”

Brendan Wren, professor of microbial pathogenesis at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, said the report on additional deaths in the UK “comes close to a person dying every five minutes in our hospitals in Covid-19” .

He added: “With the doubling of the infection rate every four / five days and the epidemic which should peak in two / three weeks, it is possible that we will reach much higher levels in the coming weeks before see if social distancing interventions have an impact.

“Coupled with the observation that the infection can affect all walks of life, even without underlying health conditions, this may be a thought that gives food for thought to the entire population that flouts hygiene measures and / or distancing social. “

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