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Five fans’ favorite VR games join the “Newly Enhanced Quest 2” Content Pack

Five fans’ favorite VR games join the “Newly Enhanced Quest 2” Content Pack


Oculus has collected five fan-popular games in a recent Quest 2-centric update and featured in the “Newly Enhanced For Quest 2” content pack.

Just a week before the release of Quest 2, Oculus will collect games that are popular with five fans and showcase recent Quest 2-centric updates in the New enhanced For Quest 2 content pack. The content pack is featured on the featured pages of the Quest Shop and Launch and includes a variety of VR games.

The first is Arizona Sunshine, a typical zombie survival VR game. Released in 2016, Arizona Sunshine was one of the first VR games to offer a complete FPS campaign. The game supports the cooperation of four players and dozens of hours of zombie killing fun. The Quest 2 update updates the visuals and improves the zombie physics.

The following list is Ironlights. This is a duel game created by a solo developer who pits players in a one-on-one deathmatch using a variety of weapons. Katana was added in a recent update, but Ironlights has received a Quest2 update that improves rendering resolution and enhances particle systems and shading.

Red Matteris is a story-driven puzzle game set in an ectopic sci-fi world. Developed by Vertical Robots, Red Matter is considered one of the most visually striking games available in Quest 1. In Quest 2, new textures and even more LOD distances have been added.

Via Squanch Games

Fans of Rick and Morty may have heard of Troover Saves The Universe, the first VR game developed by Justin Roiland’s studio Squanch Games. With the same irreverent and improvised humor as Rick and Morty, Trover is arguably the most entertaining VR game and a very fun platformer. Trover Saves The Universe delivers new “crispy” visuals, higher resolutions and higher frame rates in Quest 2.

Finally, the Premier Controller Free Quest Experience Waltz of the Wizardis receives some impressive updates. The Waltz of the Wizard, released last year, was the first aVR game to actually use hand tracking. Telekensis, makeover, and fireball throwing are just a few of the spells that the VR Wizard can cast with one finger. In Quest 2, the Waltz of the Wizard receives real-time lighting and post-processing for realistic glow effects, more interactive object and particle effects, improved world detail, and more.

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About the author Eric Switzer (641 articles published)

Eric Switzer is The Gamer’s live stream news editor and leader in VR and Tech. He writes about Bloody Disgusting and VFXwire cartoons and movies. He is a graduate of the University of Missouri, Columbia and Vancouver Film School. Eric loves board games, fan conventions, new tech, and his sweet sweet kittens, the blues and babs. Favorite games include Destiny 2, Kingdom Hearts, Super Metroid, and Play, but most are Play. His favorite Pokemon is Umbreon.

Other works by Eric Switzer

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