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Speedrunner beats Baldr’s Early Access version of Gate 3 in 7 minutes


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According to the Baldurs Gate 3 Steam page, the long-awaited RPG Early Access version consists of about 25 hours of self-contained content, but you can work on it almost anything. Most enthusiastic fans take a complete-minded ploy in an attempt to prolong the still imperfect game as much as possible. But it’s not Professor Cary’s Palmer Palmer. He figured out how to finish the first action of the game in 7 minutes.

Palmers Run told Kotaku that he had cut to the current very short time during the 200 trials, but it requires a lot of jumps. Using a jump transform spell that temporarily triples the character’s jump distance, he soars the entire game in a 30-foot burst and all combat (including encounters with mandatory bosses at the end of the prologue). Skip and speed up each of the few cuts-a scene where the game drags him in. In following this route, Palmer said in an email that he would skip all battles, all companions, all quests, fight nothing, earn no EXP, and finish running at level 1. It was.

According to Palmer, the cornerstone of the run is a well in the Brighted Village area where goblins patrol. The well takes you to the depth of the whisper underground, from which you can functionally dive into the final area of ​​the Early Access version, the Underdark. However, it is not certain every time, as you must have a successful survey dice roll to enter the well.

Palmer didn’t start with this approach. He devised it with the help of two other players he met in an attempt to find the fastest routes possible in the game, Haxzploid and Golden Gloze. His previous runs used techniques that were more flashy and had fewer game skips. However, Baldur’s Gate 3 offers players a variety of routes to the edge that is currently truncated, and most quests do not act as a hard stop in the main story and are optional. So, after hours of preparing to mitigate various quests and battles, Palmer came to the exhilarating and disappointing conclusion that none really needed.

I wrote notes and stuff for hours trying to optimize the path I followed to get everything done, he said about his preparations. By leveraging the corpses of team members, we were able to find a way to end the most difficult battles in the game before the game began. I was very proud of that strategy. However, when I reached the end of the game, I quickly realized that the storylines weren’t resolved or continued, and now that none are tied together, so everything is really an option. I think the developers did this in Early Access so that no one felt like they were on the railroad. But it really hurt me so badly, as my notes page and the really great strategies and glitches I prepared quickly became worthless.

Therefore, Palmers’ current run is actually just a race to reach a particular location on the map. That’s all he needs, as his goal is to record completion rates. However, Baldur’s Gate 3 is Early Access, with only one of three planned actions in the game, and some fans are ridiculing his efforts. It’s so open that there’s no right way to play Baldur’s Gate 3, but users on Steam and the Larians forums on the developer feel that Palmers’s way is wrong. Some say they don’t really win the game because they can’t beat the full game yet, while they either engage in all available quests to make this a true speedrun. Some people think that they need to use a kind of game. An impressive glitch he planned in his early attempts. Palmer is rolling with a punch.

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I think the desktop / CRPG community is very loyal to their games BaldursGate 3 He said in response to criticism, especially since it took 20 years between games. I think enthusiastic fans feel some obligation to developers to play every corner of the game and contribute to smoothing out early access bugs and the like. The fan base is so loyal that whenever someone doesn’t rate the gameplay available in the title every second, they feel upset and despised.

However, Palmer considers himself an enthusiastic fan of Baldur’s Gate 3. He decided to do a speedrun only after he had already investigated every inch that he could play normally.

As a speed runner, he said it wasn’t the first time Im was told he wasn’t playing the game correctly. I wish I could show people that I love this game. I spent over 25 hours playing it in 3-4 days. This is the same for any game played by Speed ​​Runner. Usually they are some of the people who played the most games to find what to use in the run. This is just a way to get another playing experience out of my favorite game. I did all the quests and all the gameplay, but I didn’t want the fact that I did everything meant that there was no reason to play anymore.

In the future, Palmer will adapt his route to the updated version of Baldur’s Gate 3. However, for now, he is working on another all-quest route. This really shows a great battle and dialogue that no one has the opportunity to do. ..

He enjoyed the process as a whole, with some backlash.

He said it was all so much fun. When I first posted to the forum, 10 people might have been offended, but one saw and was interested enough to join Discord. [He] It was decided to cut the route in half. That is, find people with similar interests who really love the game and have a really good time to be creative with ideas and strategies.

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