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Road Test Review: Audi e-tron 50


AUDI E-TRON 50 Advanced Basic price: $ 119,500 Powertrain and economy: 2 electric motors, 71kWh battery pack, 230kW / 540Nm, single speed transmission, 4WD. Vital statistics: Length 4901mm, Width 1935mm, Height 1616mm, Wheelbase 2928mm, Luggage capacity 660 liters, 21-inch alloy wheels. What we like: high quality interior, decent standard kit. We don’t like: a poor range of prices.

Audi has expanded the range of e-trons with 50 entry-level models. Let’s see if it’s worth saving money.

Nile Bijou / Staff

It looks the same as the e-tron 55, but with some changes under the skin.

Why is it called 50? Does it have anything to do with it?

Not exactly. The SUV has a cruising range of over 50 kW, over 50 horsepower, over 50 kay, and a top speed of over 50 kmh. According to Audi, the new two-digit nomenclature classifies vehicle performance levels within the model range. The number 50 represents a car with an output of 210 kW to 230 kW, and 55 cars have an output of 245 kW to 275 kW. Confusing, I know.

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The e-tron 50 is below 55 in some important respects. The battery pack is 71kWh smaller than 95kWh, so the maximum range is narrower. According to the WLTP test cycle, Audi believes it can reach up to 336km, but in reality it sees close to 260km. It’s pretty few, but it’s also good enough to drive around the city.

Nile Bijou / Staff

An Audi Quattro four-wheel drive system exists and is described thanks to two electric motors.

Audi has also reduced its output by 50 to reduce range hits from smaller batteries. The entry e-tron produces 230kW / 540Nm output compared to the maximum output of 300kW / 664Nm in the 55 range. In other words, it takes 0.4 seconds longer to hit 100kmh (7.0 seconds compared to 6.6 seconds), but because it is electrical, the torque is hit immediately.

Do you still drive well?

50 is not terrible outside the urban cage. It doesn’t feel slower than 55, and you rarely worry about lack of performance anyway. There is a slight wind noise in the speed, but I’m not particularly dissatisfied, especially considering that there is no engine noise to deal with. By the way, when the e-tron stopped the emission of external slow hum designed to warn pedestrians, it could not detect the roar of the motor above about 20kmh.

Pulling an interesting horizontal gear lever into the sport makes the throttle response nicely sharp … and that’s because there’s no gear to replace in the transmission. The e-tron is heavy and weighs about 2370 kg, but it has less body roll and is easy to handle. The torque split is 40:60, which is advantageous for the rear. The e-tron50 is pretty fun at the corners. But steering and braking may feel more.

Nile Bijou / Staff

The 50 battery is smaller than the 55, but the maximum charge rate is as low as 120kW.

Given that the spec sheet claims 336km, it’s a shame that the actual range is low. This is because the e-tron 50 is actually restricted to city driving. To be fair, this is where you spend most of your time. In addition, with the advent of increasingly fast chargers across the country, it is technically possible to travel long distances, even if charging stops several times.

According to Audi, the e-tron 50 can be charged at speeds of up to 120kW on DC quick chargers (30kW down on 55) and 11kW on AC chargers. It takes more than a day to fully charge the 50 with a standard household outlet, so if you’re buying it, it’s a good idea to look into an upgraded Wallbox-style charger to reduce charging time. .. It pushes up the final price, but if you decide to buy another EV, you don’t have to buy it again.

How is 50 different, apart from reduced power and range?

Nile Bijou / Staff

The ultra-smooth interior of the e-trons remains, including a cool new steering wheel.

The only option in the 50 range is the advanced model, not the huge amount. Advanced means include Audi’s e-SUV with regular active cruise, lane keep assist, rear view camera for reverse, 360 degree camera for parking, additional airbags, leather upholstery in Milan, and more. It means that it is equipped as standard. .. Undoubtedly, 50 holds the benchmark inside of 55 siblings. Everything is of high quality and the twin-spoke (or 4-spoke?) Wheels are nice.

There are several optional extras, such as different wheels, better stereo, extra black gloss styling on the body, roof rails, ambient lights, panoramic roof, but these are useful. The core of the e-tron 50 has slightly fewer electric bits in exchange for the cheaper stickers. I want to check the virtual mirror box …

Give me straight, Doc. Is this a good buy?

Nile Bijou / Staff

Don’t you think the e-tron is probably one of Audi’s best looking SUVs?

It really depends on how you make a list of what your next car should have. The e-tron 50 is set at a very low price due to its luxury and level of technology, but its real-world range really hurt its value.

That said, there is a significant gap between the $ 120k e-tron 50 Advanced and the $ 150.5k 55 non-Advanced. In other words, Audi may be ready to put another model between the two, like the 50 S Line.

If you travel long distances occasionally and ride a cart with your family, it’s a good idea to look at the e-tron 50 as a second car to handle your city’s operations. Charging about 250km with all Creature Comfort active is sufficient for city life, especially as EVs tend to be the most brilliant stopstart traffic.

Are there any other cars I should consider?

At the price? That’s not the case, at least until the Tesla Model Y is scattered. Other high-end electric SUVs (Mercedes-Benz EQC and Jaguar I-Pace) all cost between $ 140,000 and $ 160,000, and the cheaper e-SUVs on the market are less than $ 100,000.

The closest competitor in terms of price is the Kia Niro EV Premium / Hyundai Kona Electric Elite. Both cost $ 85,990 and offer a reasonable compromise in terms of luxury levels and performance compared to the e-tron 50.

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