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iPhone 12 Pro Max Camera: Why this professional photographer is so excited



As a professional photographer, I was amazed at how the iPhone 11 Pro could replace my DSLR in photography. However, Apple has just announced the iPhone 12 lineup, including the iPhone 12 Mini, iPhone 12, iPhone 12 Pro, and iPhone 12 Pro Max, and this time the camera technology is even better. (Here’s everything Apple announced at the October event.) The iPhone 12 Pro Max camera update, especially in both hardware and software, has already been talked about about going shooting with this. ing. This is why I am so excited.

Further zoom with a 2.5x telephoto lens

I love the iPhone 11 Pro’s telephoto zoom lens, but it’s only 2x and doesn’t always provide the level of zoom I want. I often zoom in further digitally to get the exact composition I want. The iPhone 12 Pro Max makes it another 2.5 times. This may not seem like a big upgrade, but I think it will be noticeable on many shots.

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Did I like 5x or 10x? Sure, I love the big zoom of phones like the Galaxy S20 Ultra, but they’re so big that I don’t use them as often as the iPhone. Threex might have been a good compromise, but I think the 12 Pro Max upgrade will still make a big difference to many of my photos.

Larger image sensor

Apple has already succeeded in getting incredible image quality from a small phone camera sensor, and its superior software enables the amazing night mode shots you’ve ever seen. However, the 47% larger sensor captures more light, allowing for brighter shots with less noise and improved dynamic range. That’s why my professional camera (Canon 5D Mark IV) uses a much larger full-frame sensor.

Find out how this big sensor makes a difference when you’re capturing not only nighttime photos, but also landscape details and up close shots when taking macro images of flowers. I want to know. Larger sensors combined with Apple’s image processing software can be a powerful combination.

The iPhone 12 Pro and 12 Pro Max have three rear cameras.

Apple improved, faster lens for better night mode

Sensors are not the only ones that can capture more light. The lens itself can capture more light than before, thanks to the wider f / 1.6 aperture. That number basically means that the holes through which light passes are larger than before, allowing more light to pass through in the same amount of time. Apple believes that 12 Pro Max, along with a larger sensor, saw an 87% improvement in low-light images from the iPhone 11. This was already one of the best in low light photography in itself.

The redesigned lens doesn’t just capture more light. Apple also explained in its launch presentation that the optical transparency of the lens has improved, especially the amount of image distortion at the edges of the image of the widest lens. All of these mean better looking and more professional images. Nice thing.

Apple Pro Raw

Many of the best images I took on my iPhone were taken live using a third-party app. RAW images do not store data such as color information or sharpness, giving you greater control when editing with mobile apps such as Adobe Lightroom Mobile. However, the downside of shooting RAW with a third-party app is that you can’t take advantage of the image processing that Apple uses in its own camera app. For example, the amazing HDR Deep Fusion process is just what you get when you shoot with your iPhone’s native camera.


To make it more appealing to professionals, Apple has introduced Apple Pro Raw in its camera app. It takes advantage of many of the image processing features, but it doesn’t permanently burn data such as white balance, so you can make these changes in post production. Apple says it’s the best of both worlds, and I’d like to agree on paper, but not only can I take images in this new format, but I have to withhold the final decision until I can edit the images. is there.

It’s worth noting that Google is already doing much the same thing with the “calculator” feature on Pixel smartphones. This is what CNET’s senior editor Stephen Shankland calls “awesome.” It is not yet known how the two comparisons will be made.

HDR video and improved stabilization

It’s not just still images that have improved. The phone now offers HDR with Dolby Vision at up to 60 fps. This is the first time it’s available on any device, according to Apple. In theory, this helps to control bright highlights and lift dark shadows, much like HDR captures still images.

Optical image stabilization has also been improved by moving the image sensor to counteract movement and vibration, rather than moving the heavy lens as before. It’s still unclear how much difference this will make if the phone can be taken out for proper testing, but the improved image quality and stability make it the kind of video that can be made with this phone. I’m really excited.

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