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Coronavirus removes Google Cloud Next and Adobe Summit physical conferences



Another pair of conferences made the decision to become only online events, with Google Cloud Next and Adobe Summit becoming the last to join the conference cancellation list.

Due to its Las Vegas outfit from March 29 to April 2, Adobe announced Tuesday that it will be switching Summit online.

"Although we are disappointed not to be together in person with our community this year, we are delighted to welcome Adobe Summit as an online experience," said the company.

For its part, Google claimed that it was "transforming" its conference into an online event.

"Due to the growing concern over the coronavirus (COVID-19), and in accordance with best practices defined by the CDC, WHO and other concerned entities, Google Cloud has decided to rethink Google Cloud Next & # 39; 20, which will take place again from April 6 to 8, "said the search giant.

"We are transforming the event into Google Cloud Next & # 39; 20: Digital Connect, a free, global, digital event first, which links our participants to Next & # 39; 20 content and between them through streaming keynotes, small group sessions, interactive learning, and digital “ask an expert” sessions with Google teams. ”

Earlier in the day, Microsoft canceled its most valuable annual professional summit, which has also turned into an online event. The MVP Summit was scheduled to take place March 15-20 in Bellevue and Redmond, Washington. The state saw six dead because of the virus.

Nvidia also made the decision to turn its GTC conference into an online event. In this case, the conference was to be held in San Jose from March 22 to 26.

See also: How to track coronavirus: the dashboard provides a real-time view of the deadly virus

Speaking to ABC Australian Attorney General Christian Porter said on Tuesday morning that the country could use its biosecurity control order to keep people with coronavirus in quarantine.

"You may have a situation where there may be orders that would prohibit or restrict certain behaviors or practices or require certain behaviors or practices, orders that might require record keeping. There could be a statement of what Human health intervention areas are called and that could mean that there are specific requirements for screening measures for people entering and leaving such an area, "said Porter.

"So, for example, in a peak presentation period, it is likely that you have what are called fever clinics that are designed to help people recover from the acute fever that accompanies the coronavirus and people entering and leaving these areas may be subject to compulsive demands. "

Porter said Australians are unlikely to have seen these measures before, which could see the order adopted to prevent people from entering malls and sporting events.

"These are very important laws. They will in some cases be strange and foreign to many Australians, but they will become very important that I suspect in the coming months," he said.

"These things are always done on medical advice with more than one very experienced person with medical expertise, authority and responsibility trying to determine what is the best thing to do."

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