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Overwatch League Gams announces retirement


Gams announced his retirement after playing professional Overwatch for four years, including participating in the start of the Overwatch League.

Anyone familiar with eSports knows that eSports is a serious business. The intensity with which players engage in games like Overwatch varies in the professional scene. Everything from gameplay to public image becomes more important to professional gamers, as evidenced by incidents such as onepro players being fined for sharing off-color memes.

This is exacerbated by the establishment of Activision’s eSports league. In many games, even eSports once had an informal feel. That era is gone with the official League of Cities established by Activision. The official Call of Duty League and Overwatch League teams buy licenses from Activision and compete for huge sums.

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Nonetheless, many players are happy to dive into fierce esports competition. This was the case with Noh “Gamsu” Yeong-Jin, an esports regular in the League of Legends scene. Gams played LOL professionally for over three years before retiring. Shortly thereafter, he took on the role of a professional Overwatch player and stuck to it through the formation of OWL. In a recent tweet, Gamsu announced his retirement from OWL. After quitting Overwatch, Gamsu returned to the legendary professional league, rather than switching to Valorant like Jay Wong.

I am very grateful for playing Overwatch over the last three years, but I decided to retire and pursue League of Legends again. Please continue to support me as I enter this next part of the journey.

-Gamsu (@GamsuOW) October 17, 2020

The tweet isn’t specific, but there are a number of reasons why Gamsu left. Thanks to COVID-19, the future of OWL is in flux along with other live events. When the March and April OWL events were canceled, the league’s major sources of income could have been affected. This is the case for OWL and Call of Duty League. It makes sense to jump the ship because the future is uncertain.

On the other hand, this may be the result of more personal reasons. Perhaps Gamsu simply had enough Overwatch, or OWL’s stressful scenario. One Overwatch player was exhausted and collapsed after the game went live on the camera. LOL is intense in itself, but it’s the most stressful in short bursts, as opposed to the constant on-the-fly decisions required in games like Overwatch.

The reaction to his choices is mixed. Many wanted him well, but others lamented his new game of choice. Still, if he recommits the way he committed to Overwatch, Gum’s could be among the best players in League of Legends the next time the World Championships are held.

Overwatch is currently available for PC, PS4, Nintendo Switch and Xbox One.

Details: San Francisco Shock wins two consecutive Overwatch League championships

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