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Description of Diluc’s best character build

Description of Diluc’s best character build



Perhaps the most sought after character in Genshin Impact, Dirk is a five-star warrior with Pyro abilities. This is the best build for your character.

There are many characters available at Genshin Impact, but none may be as popular as Dirk. With his huge claymore and pyro abilities, Dirk is one of the most powerful characters in the game. But he is also very rare. For those lucky enough to get Diluc, there’s definitely the best character build to optimize your performance in combat.

Currently, the only way to get Diluc is to roll your character in a Genshin Impact gachaple called Wishes. He plays an important role in the Genshin Impact plot, but there is no way to get him through the story. Dirk even has his own chain of quests that reveals that he is a Dark Knight hero, making him a Batman version of Genshin Impact.

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With his huge claymore, Diluc is a powerful and intense member of the anyGenshin Impact party. His focus should be on DPS and his pyro ability is also very impressive. His enhanced sword abilities can hit up to four times in a row, and Dawn Elemental Burst summons a phoenix that deals a lot of AoE damage to nearby enemies. All of this explains why Dirk is one of the best characters of Genshin Impact and why so many people want him at parties. Still, Diluc has the best character builds to further enhance his power.

Genshin Impact Dirk: Best Builds, Artifacts, Weapons

The first thing to consider is that Genshin Impact’s Diluc uses Pyro abilities, and his main focus is always to do as much damage as possible. For this reason, the Crimson Witch of Flame Artifact Set is an ideal set for Dirk. Thundering Fury amplifies the electro damage of characters like Lisa and Fischl, while Crimson Witch of Flames Artifacts increases Diluc’s Pyro damage and Burning and Overloaded stat effects. These can be obtained via the Genshin Impact Gachapur or in the hidden palace of Liyue’s Zhou Formula Domain.

Diluc uses claymore for heavy damage. This means players will need a claymore to increase the status of Diluc’s DMG or ATK. The wolf’s tombstone is the best weapon for the Genshin Impact Dirk. Five-star claymores can increase ATK to 40% and buff up to 80% when you’re low on health. Skyward Pride is another great weapon as it also increases ATK%. However, the debate club is a 3-star weapon. This means it’s easy to get if you’re not lucky enough to get Wolf’s Tombstone or Skyward Pride.

Currently, there are 20 characters in the game, but Diluc is ranked at the top of most Genshin Impact character tierlists. He is very popular because he is undeniably cool and incredibly powerful. With a pull rate of 0.6%, he is also very rare. For those who were lucky enough to get him with Genshin Impact, these are currently the best character builds for Dirk.

Next: The influence of Genshin: Description of the best character build of razors

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