Our PlayStation 5 has arrived What can you show us so far

The box is cool, surely …
Sam McCovech
… but I’m sneaking in doubt. It’s a tissue paper that really offends people.
Sam McCovech
A valuable kid posing on the PS5 for scale.
Sam McCovech
You see, it’s the same as Nintendo’s GameCube.
Selling on the back side. The fine print at the bottom is not very important, except to remind the user that some of the internal memory is dedicated to system functions. (But why would such a notification advertise the drive as 825GB instead of 1TB? Does that mean the game download space is less than 825GB?)
What is a fine print on one side?
It is the content.
The last side.
Copyright notice and Dolby / DTS confirmation.
A description of the bottom of the console regarding the transition from PS4 to PS5. It’s strange to put it in a box instead of an instruction manual, but I’m sure some buyers want a final warranty before leaving the store.
With more tissue paper, another angle on the front.
Sam McCovech
PlayStation 5 arrived at Ars Orbital HQ this morning. This means that as the November 12th launch date for the new console approaches, we can put some emphasis on the “minority”.
First, let’s take a look … Look at the box! You can stare at the console box as long as you like. As part of the console review agreement with Sony, sharing the photos in the box is not yet allowed, but you can be sure that the PlayStation 5 console is actually working there. (It’s not a cake.)
But I can’t say anything else about it. Anything similar to an “impression” is off limits at this time. Therefore, if you haven’t answered many questions in Sony promotional videos and social media posts, you can’t confirm or reject them. (Our box is quite inferior to one of Sony’s major hardware engineers tearing through the entire PlayStation 5.) At least you can magnify the fine text in the box in the gallery above.
One of those images confirms the exact content you can expect, such as a single DualSense gamepad, a pack-in copy of the new Sony game Astro playroom, and a cord for HDMI and power. Curiously, the box hasn’t checked the HDMI cable rating. Is it HDMI 2.1 that supports box claims for “4K / 120fps” images in HDR, or does it make 8K crazy? Or do new TV owners need to buy additional cables? It cannot be clarified at this time.
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