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Among us: 27 professional tips to help you win every game


Some of us are simple games that are difficult to master, so there are some professional tips and tricks to help you win every game, whether you’re a scammer or a crew member. If you are looking for new scammer strategies, we have them. Are you trying to survive longer as a crewmate? I won’t look any further. Need an easy way to guess who the murderer really is and become a star in an emergency meeting? We can help with that too. This is the ultimate guide to winning all Among Us games. This list contains the basic strategies you need to know to stay alive, as well as advanced tips and tricks to win the competition.

Learn your general tasks

Each map has a common task assigned to all players. If you are a scammer, use this to figure out tasks that can be safely counterfeited without suspicion. The general tasks for each map are listed below.

Skeleton-Modify Wiring, Swipe Card Mira HQ-Modify Wiring, Enter ID Code Porous-Modify Wiring, Insert Key, Scan Boarding Pass Check Boarding Pass

Crewmates can only see a certain distance, and if you learn the crewmate’s field of view, you can basically kill the player outdoors. This is i-independent, as it can be adjusted in the settings, similar to the Imposter vision.

Remember the position of the camera

When you think you’ve committed the perfect murder, the crew on the other side of the map calls an emergency meeting and says you’ve seen you on the cam. Learn where the camera is on every map and figure out seemingly secluded spaces to avoid as a scammer. You can also use it to enhance the expected alibi.

Map vents for reference

Bent can be used as both an escape tool and a fast moving system, and every salt-worthy scammer knows where each vent is connected. You can also use this information as a crew to shut down the expected alibi of another player if you know that you may have escaped into the room after killing someone else. ..

Know which task is a visual task

Not all tasks are visual tasks, but there are some tasks that come with animations that can prove innocence. Do not try to forge these tasks as a scammer. Also, if you are a crew member, make sure someone is running them. Each visual task in the game is shown below.

Clear Asteroid Submit Scan Sky Garbage Sky Shoot Prime Shield Learn how long it will take to complete a task

When forging a task, it’s a good idea to know how long it normally takes to complete the task. If you try to forge a Clear Asteroids task, but only stand nearby for 3 seconds, it looks incredibly suspicious to bystanders. You can also use this to find scammers.

Check the rooms as you go through them

Scammers always try to keep their crewmates out of sight and kill them. So get in the habit of checking for corpses in each room as you pass by, unless you really need to go somewhere right away. You never know unless someone is killed by looking at the camera with security and pokes your head.

Keep communication consistent

If you plan to speak a lot, try to speak a lot for each match. If you’re going to stay quiet and let everyone else discuss it, you’re better off doing it in every game. Keep your communication consistent so you don’t look suspicious. If a quiet player speaks more often than usual, most players will soon mark it as a potential scammer.

Try AFK strategy

If you are a scammer, you can easily pretend to be an AFK and kill it. Do not move at the start of the match and wait for everyone to leave. Stand still completely until someone comes. Kill someone nearby, then return to AFK’s position and wait for someone else to report your body. Come back in the middle of the discussion and pretend to make an excuse for where you were. If you deceive everyone, you will be free from suspicion. This doesn’t work for experienced players and won’t work more than once, but it’s a wise strategy to use.

Be prepared to block the lights in case someone gets close to your body

If you kill someone and know that another player is nearby. Be prepared to turn off the lights in case they start on your way. You can avoid murder in the open by blocking the lights when someone comes. Once the light is fixed, you can also frame the person. If you say that you came from where the body was found, the body will be reported.

Don’t clear anyone just because you followed them

It’s a common tactic to stay close to someone so that you can show that you’re innocent, but clever scammers take advantage of this. Don’t assume that someone is safe just because you chased them and someone didn’t kill you. You protect them after they kill them later in the game, as they may be trying to gain your trust.

Work with a scammer teammate

If you are in a lobby with multiple scammers, be sure to work with your fellow scammers. You can’t fully communicate with them, but there are some strategies you can try to coordinate your attacks. Close the door and suggest a double kill with your Imposter teammates, or do a universal “side-to-side dance” to let us know you’re ready for a multi-kill.

Be careful when the light goes out

This tip is for the scammers out there. I think most scammers are cheeky when the lights go out and get free kills, but you need to be careful with your crewmates in the dark. You will be amazed at how easy it is to hit your body in the dark. And as soon as the light turns on again, you may be involved in the killing.

Complete the task as a ghost

This is obvious, but it’s worth telling the people behind. When you’re done, complete the task. Just because you’re a ghost doesn’t mean you can go to AFK and ignore your responsibilities. Your crew will hate you and you will ruin the game. Don’t be that person.

Do not always self-report

Self-assessment is a useful tool, but it shouldn’t always be done. Self-reporting can be very suspicious, especially in the second half of the game, if you can easily figure out where each player is. Self-reporting is great for use early in the game, but most crewmates hesitate to vote after the first killing, unless there is conclusive evidence or witnesses.

Comms Sabotage disables camera

Comms is arguably one of the weakest sabotage in the game, but many people don’t know it does more than just invalidate the task list. Disables the camera while active and also disables some features in the control room. It’s still a contextual sabotage, but it’s a useful tool to have in case you need it.

Don’t be too aggressive during the discussion

If you throw blame around every chance you get, everyone will soon think you’re a scammer. Do not push too hard during the discussion, especially after the body has been reported. People start to think that you are distracting blame for saving yourself, and when everyone suddenly dies of being a scammer, it’s hard to recover.

Go to stack kill

Stack kill is a classic Among Us strategy and for good reason. They are a surefire way to get easy kills and really confuse everyone. Because multiple players are piled up and usually when trying to fix a light or perform a common task, there is no way to know who committed the murder unless someone has a keen eye. Scammers can kill someone and usually avoid it.

Kill the talkative crew first

Some players are better detectives than others and these players need to go. If you are a scammer, be aware of who is leading the discussion and investigation when the body is found. Try killing these players, especially if they are catching up with you. Don’t do it (obviously) if it raises suspicion to you, but try to get rid of the loudest and most talkative player first.

Learn the crew’s viewing distance

Crewmates can only see a certain distance, and if you learn the crewmate’s field of view, you can basically kill the player outdoors. This can be adjusted in the settings, similar to the Imposter vision, so don’t rely too much on it. Still, it’s a useful tool to have in your scammer’s arsenal.

Starts moving as soon as the round begins

Don’t wait in the start area when the game starts. Always start walking. Scammers don’t want to be suspicious, so it usually takes a second or two to figure out where to go. A good crewmate always goes to the first task. You want to do your best to look like a good crewmate.

Do not perform visual tasks without someone seeing

Visual tasks are tools. They can save your life. If you are a crew member, do not do a visual job without someone looking to make sure you are innocent. It’s a surefire way to show that you’re a crew member, and you don’t want to prove your innocence without witnesses. Also, if you are a scammer, do not try to forge these tasks. People can see you fake and they will definitely vote for you.

Interfering with pulling the crew away from the body

Use sabotage to separate people from their victims. If you kill someone in the navigation on the far right of the skeleton map, start the reactor meltdown and pull everyone to the other side of the map. The same applies to other maps. You can take everyone to the same place, and if someone sees you escape from your body, you can say that you were heading to fix the emergency.

Get an alibi

It is very doubtful that he is a lone wolf. You need an alibi, especially when the number of crewmates starts to decrease. You need to show people that you are innocent. Do as many tasks as you can and have someone see you perform the visual tasks. If everything else fails, just stick to the group or partner so that someone can guarantee you.

Always vote

Voting is important. Always vote during the discussion, even if you just want to skip it. If you forget to vote, not voting can seem suspicious, and players will begin to draw conclusions based on who you vote for and who you don’t. Skip voting can also save the lives of another crewmate if the skip vote exceeds someone else’s vote.

You pretend to be new

This strategy doesn’t work more than once and won’t fool experienced players, but pretending to have never played “Among Us” can avoid many things. Tell everyone that you are new and still understand things. It constantly stops and pulls up the map and gets lost, making task descriptions and room names very vague so that people believe they don’t know what they are. It will stop working quickly, but if you can fool a group of players, you can easily win.

Stay in the group

Do not split if you do not need it. Being alone is a death sentence, especially if most of the other crew members are on the other side of the map. If you have a task that is remote and far away, you may wait until someone needs to go away. Scammers are less likely to strike when you have a company and can keep more people alive this way.

Don’t wait for others to fix the sabotage

If something gets in the way, fix it. Many believe that other crew members will correct the reactor meltdown and the emergencies caused by fraudsters. Often, everyone thought that someone else would, so no one would try to fix it. For your safety, please fix it yourself. Otherwise, the scammer can easily win.

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