Fuser is ready to usher in a new era of great rhythm playing
There are countless developers and companies in Japan who are known to be champions of the rhythm game, but only one American company comes to mind when I think of the iconic music games of the United States – Harmonix. They led the plastic instrument revolution in 2007 with Rock band, eat enough Guitar Hero & # 39; s lunch that the once unbeatable music game, wielding the guitar, quickly found itself desperately trying to hang on to the same level as Rock band. Harmonix experienced the boom and fall of the English rhythm game boom, but they never gave up rekindling that musical spark. In recent years, they have come up with many new rhythm game experiences, perhaps the most inventive of which is the 2017 hybrid board game. Dropmix. While this project didn't exactly set the world on fire, Harmonix takes the DNA from that experience and turns it into a console video game IP called fuser which, without a doubt, will shake up the genre of the rhythm game as we know it.
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fuser works according to the same dynamic mashup rules as Dropmix before, but if you are not familiar with this game, the premise is simple. fuser offers you four empty slots and a deck of cards representing a wide variety of songs ranging from 80's R&B to current pop hits. When choosing a card, you can choose to select the song's voice, drums, keys / bass or guitar and place it in a slot. Drop the drums of (Don’t Fear) The Reaper and you will get an isolated sound from this iconic drum loop tinged with cow bell. As you insert other song elements into your DJ deck, the game dynamically changes the tempo and pitch of each element so that they all merge into a new, coherent and striking mashup. This technology worked perfectly Dropmix, and he continues to deliver Fuser. Whether you combine slow voices with a fast-paced guitar or discrete bass with a high octane guitar, the resulting mix will always be crisp, professional and oh-so-amazing.
The type of modes or campaign paths available in the full version of fuser, but PAX East's hands-on demo provided simple goals that helped make the game more than just a DJ sandbox. First, a BPM tracker appears at the top of your DJ deck. You will have to trade cards at an optimistic pace in order to score points, as a willy-nilly swap in the middle of a time will kill your score. In addition, requests from the public poured in at a constant rate, asking me to drop new voices, play songs from the 2010s or play in a few rap songs. Keeping an eye on your BPM-tracker as you scour your deck for the right moves was a simple but engaging multitasking mission that kept me in the zone for the duration of my demo.
There are a lot of things we don't know yet Fuser. L & # 39; original Dropmix had a variety of cooperative and competitive game modes, the ability to save your favorite mixes and iconic physical devices. Whether it is fuser will get the same treatment from either of these ways remains to be seen, but one thing is for sure: Harmonix is mating on its next big beat game hit.
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