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Resurrection Season of the Shield Hero Season 220 Released and updated in early 21


It was only a matter of time before Season 2 was announced after Season 1 of “The Rising of the Shield Hero” was a huge success. Many fans have been very excited since the end of Season 1 in 2019, not just after the anime was updated in both Season 2 and Season 3, but many fans in the anime series are in progress. I was worried about COVID-19 Pandemics affect the anime release schedule, but rest assured that it’s very unlikely. In this article, we’ll look at the release date and other related information for Season 2 of The Rising of the Shield Hero.

Shield Hero Resurrection Plot Overview Shield Hero Resurrection Season 2 Update

The story begins as a general different-world anime, where the character is summoned to another world, where it is treated as a hero. Among these selected people is Naofumi, our main character. He was chosen as a hero along with the other three. As a nerd himself, he couldn’t help but get excited about the adventures that awaited him in this new world.

Naofumi, who was chosen as the shield hero, could feel some discrimination against him from the beginning. Hatred for him became apparent when he was charged with raping her by being deceived by the princess. Bitterly angry from this betrayal, Naofumi vows to leave the royal capital and become stronger on his own. During his journey, he buys a slave named Raphtalia who becomes his sword.

Now, the stronger and more capable Naobun, along with fellow Raphtalia and Philo, ride the waves, which are cracks in the sky that allow monsters to invade and cause destruction. Naofumi needs to work with the very people who betrayed him to survive the waves. How does Naofumi deal with his angry man, and is the next big adventure prepared for him?

Resurrection of the Shield Hero Season 2 Release Date

After the “Resurrection of the Shield Hero” was renewed in the second and third seasons, I was convinced that the next season would be even better than Season 1. So far, Shield Hero Revival Season 2 aired in January 2021. The anime’s second season teaser was released during the de facto Crunchyroll Expo 2020.

Season 1 concludes with a revelation that there are other heroes from other worlds as well. I don’t know how much plot will be covered in Rising Of The Shield Hero Season 2, but obviously Giant Turtle isn’t the only wave to cover.

Kinema Citrus is in charge of the animation of “The Rising of the Shield Hero Season 2”, and the director is Masato Jimbo. Keigo Koyanagi will write the script, and Masahiro Suwa will be in charge of character design.

The Season 1 cast will replay the role in the next season. The anime will be streamed on Crunchyroll for overseas fans.

Revival of the Shield Hero-About the Light Novel Series

“The Rising of the Shield Hero” by Aneko Yusagi and illustrated by South Seira is a Japanese light novel series that was first released in 2012 to become a novelist. This series was featured in Media Factor and was released in MF Books from 2013. Since 2013, a total of 22 volumes have been released and have been adopted in anime and manga.

The manga is drawn by Hisashi Aiya, who began adapting light novels to manga in 2014. Since then, a total of 16 volumes have been released, and more volumes will be released.

Supplied from the official website

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