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Sam & Max Save the World announced and released on PC and Switch on December 2nd

Sam & Max Save the World announced and released on PC and Switch on December 2nd



Developer Skunkape Games has announced Sam & Max Save the World, a remaster of Telltale Games’ Sam & Max Season One.

As stated in the press release (via Game Press), the original Sam & Max Season One was released as a sex episode between 2006 and 2007. Rights were acquired by Skunkape after Telltale Games ended. Skunkape itself is made up of former employees of Telltale Games.

A remaster of the series, Sam & Max Save the World, will be available on Windows PC (GOG, via Steam) and Nintendo Switch on December 2nd.

Based on Steve Purcell and Lucasarts’ point-and-click adventure series cartoons, Sam and Max (freelance police) are sent to investigate a former child actor performing an amock. Soon they reveal horrific plots, including hypnosis, the media, the mafia, the US government, the Internet, and the bright side of the moon.

The game is made possible by improved graphics, 16: 9 aspect ratio, dynamic lighting, improved lip sync, gamepad support, restored audio, and “evolution of development tools and subsequent experience of the team.” It features “addition and adjustment of”. A complete overview of the changes can be found here.

The game supports English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Hungarian, Czech and Russian. Pre-orders are now available (Europe pre-orders will begin on Nintendo Switch from November 11th).

If you own the original game on GOG or Steam, you’ll get 50% off the game on your Windows PC. Developers are currently setting up a way for people who buy games from the Telltale store to get 50% off games on GOG or Steam.

The trailer for the announcement is below.

Below are screenshots of the game, comparison shots with the original, and an updated character model (via press release).

A complete summary (via Steam) is below.

Sam is a 6-foot dog detective who loves justice. Max is a hyperactive rabbit who likes mayhem. Together, they are freelance police. And they are trying to save the world.

I’m glad I came back, a little companion!

In 2006, the comic book crime-fighting duo Sam & Max starred in Telltale’s first full-scale episode game, the studio that produced The Walking DeadandBatman: The Enemy Within.

Everyone’s favorite dogs and rabbits are back at Sam & Max Save the World Remastered. This is a new version of the first season of the episode game, lovingly updated by a small group of original developers in the blessing of Sam & Max creators. Steve Purcell.

Returning to the adventure game, formerly known as “the game’s first comedy,” now known as “the remaster you didn’t know you were waiting for.” Sam & Max Save the World with enhanced graphics, new widescreen and gamepad support, five new music tracks, and the same tickling puzzles and quirky humor that won the IGN’s Best Adventure GOTY award at the time. Remastered loves you to play and play again.

Let’s save the world …

At the self-proclaimed freelance police office, the commissioner called for a disturbing report just another day. The former child actor is rampaging on the street! As Sam and Max encounter a series of mysterious hypnotic villains, they begin as an open-and-shut case of ridiculous vandalism and swell into a total conspiracy. (You can say from the “thorns” they do with their eyes.)

Who is the cause of this cheating, and what are their sneaky plans? Resolving this case requires Sam’s nose, Max’s lack of conscience, an assortment of inventory items, and a bit of help from his neighbors Civil Pandemic, Bosco, and Jimmy Twoties for his detective work. Become. From the streets of Sam & Max to the lawns of the White House, to the inside of the Internet, to the moon, this mysterious mystery becomes more bizarre and interesting as it unfolds.

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