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Halo Anniversary gets a fantastic upgrade for Xbox One and PC


Halo: The Master Chief Collection continues to expand and improve with new updates, including a substantial audio design upgrade to the anniversary edition of the very first Halo game . Currently, Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary only supports updated audio for multiplayer, not the classic sounds that longtime fans have known about. This has bothered some players and 343 Industries has now confirmed that it will soon be adding classic Halo: CE sounds to multiplayer.

The option to hear the original Halo: CE sounds is available in the campaign on PC (whose release has been teased with a new video and is now available) and on Xbox, but only updated audio for multiplayer is available.

"We are pleased to announce that we are currently putting the finishing touches on the introduction of classic multiplayer sounds from Halo: CE at the launch of Halo: CE PC," said 343 in a statement. blog post. "The first comments on the game review are that players are happy to have the original audio in place, which brings the Halo: CE multiplayer game closer to how we all remember it on Xbox. d & # 39; origin. "

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There will be a toggle option in the settings so that players can choose whether they want to hear original or updated sounds in multiplayer. This option is currently being tested in private beta testing of the game, or "flights", and will be available at launch when Halo: CEA is ready to be released on PC.

343 Industries is working with the post-production company Formosa Group (The Last of Us: Part II, God of War, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) to bring back the original sounds of Halo: Combat Evolved. Paul Lipson of Formosa said in the blog that the return of the original audio "had required deep code work to get there."

"The good news is that we already have two identical sound sets for H: CEA, the original content and the updated content for Anniversary," added Lipson. "The trick was to make these two sound trees coexist, then create a user-selectable option that loads one or the other on demand. more complicated than it sounds, but it's something we offer. "

Microsoft is working with Formosa on more Halo: CE. Formosa is also working on upgrades and enhancements for each title in Halo: MCC – Halo: Reach, Halo 2 Anniversary, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST and Halo 4.

"It is a big, coordinated effort from content experts, coders, producers and franchisees to get there," said Lipson. "The code side requires special attention as we advance the PC experiences. We want fans to feel the same joy as the original version of the games and feel good about the optimization and the gains from loyalty that we have today. Fixing bugs is never easy, but we are confident about how things should sound and appreciate the comments and ideas from the Halo worship community.

Lipson added that the team has "exciting things" to announce in the near future.

In addition to the ongoing development of Halo: MCC, the developer 343 Industries has a second internal team working on Halo Infinite. The game is a launch title for Xbox Series X, and it will also play on Xbox One and PC. It's part of the Game Pass, so all subscribers get it at no additional cost. In addition, Microsoft's new cross-purchase program, Smart Delivery, allows people to buy Halo Infinite on a regular Xbox One and also get it for the Xbox Series X.

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