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Some Amazon UK customers will receive kitchen appliances and cat food instead of PS5


Amazon customers in the UK are reportedly receiving everything from cat food to coffee machines instead of the PS5.

The PS5 release date in the UK was a bit chaotic. Not only those who are trying to purchase the console on the day, but also those who pre-ordered one month in advance.

As of yesterday, PS5 has been officially released worldwide. The launch of new consoles rarely goes smoothly, but the release of PS5 may have taken it to the next level. It’s thanks to the combination of so many things. There were few warnings about when pre-orders would be published, retailers didn’t know exactly how many consoles there were on the release date, and, of course, a significant amount of pandemics were thrown there.

The PS5 pre-order was processed almost immediately in the UK, but earlier this week some major retailers reported that the number of consoles available on the launch date was limited. Online only, as Sony previously announced on the release date that it would not physically sell the PS5 in stores.

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Thousands of people flooded the site selling PS5 in the UK yesterday. Some people have a virtual queue of 200,000 just by entering the site. Those who landed their pre-orders in September would have been sitting at home, raising their legs and laughing while scrolling through social media and waiting for the console to arrive. However, for some people, the appearance of a parcel will change their mood.

Everyone happy # PS5 days. I tried to document what was announced, but Amazon instead tricked us with a one-sided air fryer (after giving the delivery password). Did anyone else have this problem today?

— Beck’s April May (@bexlectric) November 19, 2020

There are multiple reports on social media claiming that Amazon’s PS5 package does not contain PS5 at all. Bex April May shared the opening on Twitter, but revealed an internal air fryer, in contrast to the next-generation consoles ordered. Others have reported receiving a coffee machine instead, and one of the unfortunate customers even claims to have sent cat food instead.

Others have reported that the console is not visible at all. In some cases, the tracker revealed that the delivery driver was nearby, but the driver disappeared and the status of the package was updated to “delivered”. All of the above has led many people who did not receive the console or instead obtained a random replacement item to believe that it was actually stolen. There is no PS5 left until Amazon is notified later, so it may be waiting for a replacement for a while.

Next: No one knows if the release of the Japanese assassin’s belief Valhalla was censored for its blood or if there was a glitch.

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About the author Josh Coulson (1664 articles published)

Josh keeps playing the game as long as he can remember. That love began with a mild childhood addiction to Sega Genesis, or Mega Drive, as he lives in the United Kingdom. At that time, Sonic 2 quickly became his favorite game, and as you can guess from his photos, the franchise has remained close to his heart ever since. He’s currently spending a lot of time between PS4 and Switch, spending a lot of time playing Fortnite. If you’re a fan of games, wrestling and football, follow us on Twitter @ BristolBeadz.

Other works by Josh Coulson

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