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The OnePlus 9 Pro just leaked and looks great


A week ago, I saw OnePlus 9 for the first time, thanks to the leaked CAD design. Today, the OnePlus 9 Pro is treated the same.

The rendering is from a trusted leaker, Steve Hemmerstoffer, also known as OnLeaks. Before going into the details, it’s worth paying attention to his warning. This is a prototype and is subject to change. Most of the design is set in stone, but keep in mind that some small details, especially regarding the layout of the rear camera, are still subject to change, he writes.

In its current state, the OnePlus 9 Pro looks like a fusion of this year’s OnePlus 8 Pro and the recent OnePlus 8T. When viewed from the front, it looks basically the same as the former, but with a perforated camera in the upper left corner, with a mixed blessing of curved displays. On the other hand, OnePlus 9 seems to copy 8T by moving the camera module to the upper left of the back.

(Image credit: OnLeaks)

According to Hemmerstoffer, the current prototype contains up to four camera lenses, two of which are surrounded by a huge mental ring that slightly protrudes from the main camera bump.

He adds that the handset is a 6.7-inch device with a glass bottom and a speaker at the bottom. The alert slider and power button are on the right and the volume locker is on the left. The OnePlus 9 Pro is reported to be available in March 2021. This means that Hemmerstoffer will come after the Samsung Galaxy S21, which pegged in January.

(Image credit: OnLeaks)

There’s nothing about the internal specs, but it’s completely surprising if the OnePlus 9 Pro didn’t boot with the next Snapdragon 875 chip and at least 8GB of RAM. Its predecessor, the OnePlus 8 Pro, had 8GB of RAM, but had the option of doubling the storage and expanding it up to 12GB. It also has a 120Hz screen, and there were rumors that OnePlus could increase the refresh rate even further, but a previous OnePlus 9 leak said the company would eventually maintain 120Hz.

Elsewhere, with the favor of the company’s Oxygen OS, you can expect 65W fast charging support and an Android 11-based experience.

The cost hasn’t been announced yet, but the price of OnePlus has risen steadily over the last few years. Exactly four years ago, the OnePlus 3T went on sale at a bargain price of $ 439, but this year the OnePlus 8T came out for $ 749 and the OnePlus 8 Pro started at $ 899. Given the pandemic financial situation, we hope OnePlus will stabilize prices in 2021, but we’re not sure until March.

Today’s best oneplus 8t deals

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