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GITA is a catalyst for fostering innovation and industry R & D by promoting bilateral cooperation between industry, academia and government. Dr. HarshVardhan | India Education, Education News India, Education News


New Delhi: Dr. Hirschwaldan, Federal Minister of Science and Technology, Health and Family Welfare and Earth Sciences, Government. India’s Global Innovation and Technology Alliance (GITA) fosters innovation and industrial R & D by promoting bilateral academic and government cooperation through a video message celebrating GITA’s 9th Foundation Day. He emphasized how it worked as a catalyst for the industry.

From DST to GITA, Hirschval said he has successfully implemented a bilateral industrial research and development project in collaboration with the world’s most innovative countries, including Israel, South Korea, Canada, Finland, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. Dr. Dan pointed out. We have launched a celebration event in digital mode.

The Global Innovation and Technology Alliance (GITA); (PPP between the Technology Development Committee (TDB) of the Ministry of Science and Technology (DST) and the Confederation of Indian Industry) recently launched the CII Hive platform on the theme of Atmanirbhar Bharat (Independent India). Celebrated the 9th Foundation Day. The all-day event was a platform for multiple stakeholders to exchange ideas.

Under the Prime Minister’s clear call to use this difficult time as an opportunity for India to become self-reliant, the S & T Ministry is at the forefront of fostering and flowering the country’s scientific temperament for AtmaNirbhar Bharat. The minister added.

With a clear mission to stimulate industry investment in R & D and demonstrations to deliver commercialized products and services, GITA has motivated and strategies for collective intervention of all who exist. It is poised to promote the government’s vision of creating an independent nation. He explained.

Professor Ashtosh Sharma, Executive Director of the Ministry of Science and Technology (DST), Government. of India and Guest of Honor pointed out the major changes that have taken place over the years, including business expansion, enhanced collaboration with countries such as Israel, Canada, Sweden, South Korea, Italy and Finland, and expanded possibilities.

Atmanirbhar Bharat is not excluded. It is about incorporating more inclusions, becoming part of the global R & D supply chain and providing it globally. Professor Sharma emphasized that this is an integration of our strengths with everything global.

Professor Sharma emphasizes the three cultural elements of Atma Nirvarta, Atma Vishwas, Atma Samman, and Atma Chintan, and says that everyone working on Atma Nirvarta should remember them at an important point. Said.

DST focuses on the development of unique technologies that are new and relevant in India and globally, facilitating the novelty of innovation from India. A complete knowledge chain needs to be integrated to understand how science and technology can help achieve a self-reliant India. GITA will continue to play a bigger and better role on all these occasions, Professor Sharma added.

Dr. Neeraj Sharma, Secretary-General of the Technology Development Commission (TDB), said he would like to expand the opportunities for cooperation between TDB and GITA in the future.

The event also succeeded in three projects completed this year, in collaboration with international partners. The project is designed from the design and manufacture of artificial intelligence-based electronic measurement and surveillance systems for the Indian power distribution sector, the development of pearl millet hybrid seeds, and the development and manufacture of new food products such as affordable resources for the prevention of type 2 diabetes. And even development. Development of advanced power electronics and related technologies to integrate photovoltaic power plants and power utility grids.

Dr. Piyush Srivastava Additional Development Commissioner, Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises. Mr. SK Varshney, Head of International Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Technology. He was the first member of the Deep Kapuria GITA Board of Directors, Chairman of the High-Tech Corporate Group, and attended the celebration.

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