The contract your class actually chooses
The Kovenant is one of the most important features added in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, and choosing the right one can be a daunting task. All four Shadowlands contracts have their own capabilities and benefits. That is, all options are controversial. Many players choose contracts based on their ideal abilities for raids and other end-game content, but decisions can be made based on how contract lore and fantasy fit into the class. There are also players.
All World of Warcraft classes have all four optional contracts available, but class abilities and lore are best suited for a particular contract. The World of Warcraft: Shadowlands leveling experience allows players to understand what a particular role of each faction is in the afterlife, and the type of aspirations future members should have.
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Of course, World of Warcraftplayers can role-play characters as they please, regardless of class, but these are generally the most sensible combination of Shadowlands classes and covenants from a lore point of view.
Best Class for Killians in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands
The first contract found in World of Warcraft: Shadowlandsis the Kyrian is a group that lives in the idyllic Bastion world. Killians are tasked with protecting their souls as they travel through the posthumous world, and their role is highly respected. Killian only allows those who have a pure soul and an achieved life to join them and demands that their applicants succeed in many trials True and one of order To become a department.
The most obvious class that fits Killian’s requirements and aesthetics is the World of Warcraft Paladin. These holy warriors are tasked with living a life of justice and giving up themselves to protect others. Most paladins will die and continue to serve others, and will go up their path just as Kilian does. Other classes that work well as Killians include WoW: Shadowlands’ Monks, a group of prestigious and tempered fighters, and priests who devote their lives to healing others and worshiping the purity of light. It is included.
Best Class for World of Warcraft Necro Road: Shadowlands
World of Warcraft: Necrolord, who lives in Maldraxxus in Shadowlands, acts as an army and defense within Shadowlands. Therefore, their rank is made up of people who are hungry for fighting both life and death. Despite the reputation that Maldraxxus may acquire as an evil place, many noble spirits can find a home with Necrolords. Maldraxxus’ Necrolords value courage above all else and must be prepared to defend Shadowlands when asked to take action.
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The Warriors are the best choice for Shadowlands Necroroad. Warriors are career soldiers who are not afraid to use weapons to solve problems. Necrolord appreciates courage above all else and welcomes alliances or hordes of veterans to be on their side. Death knights have many of the same qualities as warriors and show a willingness to be at risk to fight for Azeroth, so you can find a home in Maldraxus. They have the additional benefit of controlling the undead. It blends well with the many necromancers that inhabit Maldraxxus.
Finally, although they are not perfectly fitted, mages may find that the powerful rich and sorcerers of Maldraxus deserve their abilities. Not all World of Warcraft fighters need to use weapons, and the powerful frost magic of mages certainly fits the aesthetics of Necroroad.
Best Class for World of Warcraft Night Fairies: Shadowlands
Ardenweald acts as the post-mortem world of the various natural spirits of World of Warcraft, and Night Fae plays an important role in caring for the world. Nightfay dedicates their presence to serving the spirits passing through Ardenfield and does its best to heal and protect the souls suffering from nightmares and injuries. Nightfay is not as interested in many humanoid spirits as other covenants, but characters with a connection to nature may find their calling to be the most important of all. not.
Night Fae may have a class that clearly fits all of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, which is a druid. Since Druids are already devoted to protecting the nature of life, it seems reasonable to serve nature in the afterlife. Nightfay also includes a faction called Wild Hunt, who is responsible for physically protecting the forest from malicious threats.
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This makes the hunter a great class to play with this deal, and alongside the druids, both easily fit into the Ardenfield Forest. The connections Shaman of World of Warcraft has naturally built and their dedication to balancing the world can also be reasonable choices for joining NightFae.
World of Warcraft Venthyr’s Best Class: Shadowlands
World of Warcraft: Revendreth, the last zone of Shadowlands, is home to the whimsical souls who must seek redemption. These souls have committed various evil acts in their lives, and if they want to avoid Moe they need to atone for their sins. Ventil was a spiritual rehabilitation covenant, and many of their ranks were once souls who needed to redeem themselves. For this reason, a character who has done something wrong in life has the best prospects for becoming a Venthyr.
Characters in any class have reasons to seek reimbursement, but the class that may need to prioritize the Atonement is the Demon Hunter. Demon hunters use Burning Legion’s Fel magic to enhance their abilities, and this forbidden use of magic may make others understand what others have done wrong. Warlock was in a similar position, and the practice of demonology was always suspicious to the eyes of other World of Warcraft classes. Both of these classes draw the line between good and evil, making the perfect choice. Finally, Rogue is known to lead a life of crime and deception. That is, those characters may have a tense morality that makes a great Bencer.
Players are free to choose the group that appeals to them during leveling, as every class has a good reason to join any contract. Many of the best aesthetic choices for covenants aren’t really the best mechanical fits, and players can choose the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands covenant based on their abilities rather than lore. At the end of the day, all four contracts are working towards the same goal: the defeat of the prison officer, and no matter which contract the character chooses, they still have the opportunity to face him.
Next: World of Warcraft’s Most Unique Quest: Shadowlands
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About the author seanboehme (19 articles published)
Sean Boehme is a freelance writer from Queens, New York, and aims to be a fiction writer. He loves not only video games, but also Dungeons and Dragons, who play as a very moody goblin. Unfortunately, Sean is also a sports fan in New York. Sean can be contacted on his Twitter profile @Seanboehme.
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