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More than 424 million social media users exposed to “misconfiguration” by Chinese company SocialArks


Over 424 million social media users are exposed to “misconfigurations” by Chinese company SocialArks (screenshot of Pxhere official website)

Recently, over 400GB of mixed private and public profile data from 214 million Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and other social media users from around the world has been published on the Internet. This includes details of social media influencers and celebrities from the United States and elsewhere.

Social media user data leaked

According to a ThreatPost article, this leak is said to contain personal information from Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram or PII, and is said to contain certain misconfigured by a Chinese social media management company known as SocialArks. Due to the ElasticSearch database. Other platforms, according to SafetyDetectives researchers.

According to researchers, the server is actually exposed during regular IP address checks in potentially unsecured databases, even without password protection or simple encryption. It turned out. This contained a total of over 318 million records.

Chinese company sponsored by Tencent

SocialArks’ unique data management platform is used specifically for programmatic advertising and marketing. It also claims to be a specific cross-border social media management company dedicated to solving certain current issues of brand building, marketing and social customer management in China’s foreign trade industry.

The particularly affected servers are said to be hosted by Tencent and have been segmented into specific indexes to store the data retrieved from each social media source. This allowed researchers to examine the data in more detail.

Millions of user data leaked

According to a Safety Detectives blog post, their research team was able to identify measurements for leak data that were “scraped” from a particular social media platform. It was later stated that it was not only unethical, but also violated Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram’s Terms of Service.

The total scraped profiler is said to include about 11,651,162 Instagram profiles, 66,117,839 LinkedIn profiles, and even 81,551,567 Facebook profiles. There were also 55,300,000 Facebook profiles from those that were removed within just a few hours of the previous open server being first discovered.

These public profile data includes profile photos, biography, location settings, total followers, contact details such as emails and phone numbers, follower numbers, frequently used hashtags, number of comments, company name, etc. It also included employment positions and more.

Also read: Data Privacy Protection: How to see what data your website gets from you

Is Social Media Safe?

Jack Mannimo, CEO of nVisium, told ThreatPost that social media data scraped for marketing purposes inevitably contains a lot of sensitive information. It is also said that by using social media, we can serve all specific people who value privacy. It is also said that many people now exponentially share certain intimate details about their private lives.

It was then told that in order for people to protect themselves, they should limit public access to their profile and their social media assets. Next, he said that people are wise about what they post online and need to be careful about what permissions they give to certain applications that can misuse, misuse, or even steal user information. It was.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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