The new “GTA6” leak suggests a smarter NPC in the long-awaited sequel – BGR

Grand Theft Auto 6 hasn’t been announced yet by developer Rockstar Games, but there are more frequent leaks and rumors surrounding the game. Recently, a group of Reddit users found a patent application from Rockstar’s parent company, Take-Two, describing a new system for designing AI characters. Rockstar wants to make NPCs more dynamic, complex, intelligent and add realism, and this technology is likely to appear in GTA6.
One of the most anticipated games in the new generation of consoles hasn’t really been announced yet. In fact, you may not even be able to watch the game this year, but it’s only a matter of time before rock stars start talking about Grand Theft Auto 6. Although the last entry in the series is more than seven years old, GTA 5’s very popular multiplayer mode has brought Second Life to the console and PC. This is the longest developer has ever done between the releases of a flagship franchise. So in the absence of news, GTA fans had to rely on leaks.
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Rockstar Games seemed to be one of the few companies in the industry where not all of its secrets are leaked to the internet every year, so there were few plausible leaks, but there are a few ways to do it. There was a hint. The next GTA is in shape. Some Reddit users recently discovered a patent application filed by rock star parent company Take-Two Interactive last October, so the latest tips are actually from the studio itself.
This patent— “Systems and methods of virtual navigation in a gaming environment” — describes a new way for non-player characters to perform more dynamic and complex actions. This system allows teams to create “realistic virtual worlds that are not limited by hardware and software restrictions.”
The patent also details the flaws in the current system. For example, “you may not consider certain factors such as traffic when deciding on navigation”, or the fact that you cannot consider lane changes when parking your car. Road exits, weather conditions, etc. Also, when it comes to gaming hardware, “processing power, memory, and efficiency allow only a certain number of NPC-controlled vehicles in a single instance of a traditional system,” that is, “some NPCs in a traditional system.” Will no longer exist as a player. You will be closer to an NPC. ”All of these restrictions can make a player less immersive.
As millions of gamers who bought Cyberpunk 2077 at launch say, AI can create and destroy games. Perhaps the most disappointing aspect of as many bugs and technical issues as in the latest open world adventures from CD Projekt Red is how dull and intelligent NPCs are in the world unless they are directly involved in the conversation. Doesn’t it look like? There’s no way to know if this patent applies directly to Grand Theft Auto 6 (or games released so far), but it’s interesting behind the scenes regardless.
Jacob began taking video games and technology as a hobby in college, but it soon became clear that this was what he wanted to do to make a living. He currently lives in New York and is writing for BGR. His previously published works can be found on TechHive, VentureBeat and GameRant.
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