Battlefield 5 update 1.33 balances weapons and adds tank customization
Battlefield 5 version 1.33 is officially online on PS4, bringing the content of update 6.2 to Sony's flagship console. The main patch rebalances the weapons, adds customization to the tanks, and introduces a whole new audio system. Read the full release notes below courtesy of an article on the official game subroutine.
Battlefield 5 Patch notes 1.33
What's up?
- New weapon balancing ensuring higher damage output and improved damage mitigation
- Tank customization
Weapons and gadgets
Update 6.2 returns base damage to range values ​​for most weapons, reverting to their previous standards used in 5.0. We will maintain a drop in damage from a distance, but one that is smaller than that used in both 5.2 and 5.2.2. In addition, ranged damage is now based on the class of a weapon rather than its rate of fire. Overall, you will find that the weapons deal more damage up close and that the experience engaging a ranged player is more satisfying.
Assault rifles and LMGs will strike harder from a distance than SMGs with equivalent rate of fire. The recoil and precision values ​​have been adjusted to be consistent with the values ​​used in 5.0. The only exception is Type 2A, which has had a substantial increase in recoil to balance it in the SMG class.
Bolt action rifles now have higher muscle speeds across the board. These weapons are the longest range weapons in Battlefield and are overtaken by other weapons due to the speed of the bullets. This adjustment will make Bolt Action Rifles the kings of long and very long range combat.
We also slightly increased the initial speed of type 11 for the default and high speed bales. This should help further differentiate the Type 11 from the Bren and bring out its performance from a distance.
We are also restoring additional initial speed adjustments for sniper rifles that did not go into update 6.0 released last month.
General changes
- Adjusted the damage values ​​of Bazooka and Panzerfaust. The Bazooka now deals slightly less damage, especially for low angle shots, reflecting its role as a long-range sniper weapon. The Panzerfaust now deals slightly more damage, especially from bad angles, bringing it back to solid all around a reliable anti-tank weapon.
- The Bazooka now kills enemy planes.
- The Lunge mine now deals the correct amount of damage and is more consistent.
- The Lunge mine no longer causes an unexpected second explosion after being selected if the player had already used it.
- The Lunge mine now correctly destroys stationary weapons.
- Improved third-person Panzerfaust reload animation in a dinghy boat.
- When equipped with a few improvements, the 2x range of the M2 rifle did not zoom in properly. This has now been fixed.
- Flamethrowers can no longer be fired when playing the reload animation, if the player is also using a pocket at the same time.
- Emblems no longer cut when applied to the M2 rifle.
- The anti-tank grenade return functionality has been fixed.
- Make sure the ammo belt disappears properly when using the battery charger on the MG34.
- Reduction of the impact of wind on the smoke emitted by smoke grenades and other smoke screens.
- Gadgets no longer float in the air when switched to the gaming world.
- Fixed an issue with animation of the lock action for BOYS AT Rifle.
- Fixed a level of detail issue with M1918A2 on his bipod leg.
- Fixed an issue where certain smoke effects did not properly block enemy spotted icons (smoke barrage for example).
- Fixed an issue with the KI-147 and V1 rocket, sometimes without engine sound.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed the scope to spot enemies behind the walls.
- Fixed an issue that caused an involuntary soldier's cry to play throughout the explosion when using the Lunge slot.
- Fixed an issue that caused reloads to not count if the player healed during the reload animation.
- Fixed the reflection of the spotting scope which was not aligned with the scope itself.
- Fixed the ammo crate to have a pickup glow effect when held in the player's hands.
- Fixed the world bazooka pickup pattern for being the bazooka, not another rocket launcher.
- The universal holder can no longer be disabled, as it has no self-repair functionality that made it a frustrating transport vehicle.
- The stationary towable 40MM AA no longer explodes when coupled to Churchill tanks.
- The Sherman tank no longer receives decals from the other team, in the event of theft by the enemy team.
- The rear wheel of the Corsair F4U-1C no longer clips into the rear rudder when it retracts after takeoff.
- The dinghy boat seat user interface now matches the physical location of the players in the boat while they are seated.
- Improved synchronization of tank turrets targeting the position between zoomed and non-zoomed mode, which could previously be inconsistent if players joined a server late.
- The Archer's "rear" engine compartment has been improved with more armor. Although it is still easy to critically strike like the rear, it will take less damage from a critical hit.
- Increased drag on HE shells for tanks to reduce ranged fire of tanks against infantry. The dedicated AT shells, which have less breath, are not affected by this change.
- AT mine damage increased slightly.
- Increase in the number of shotgun type bullets for tanks, except for AA tanks.
- Adjusted Calliope rockets to fire from a more central set of rocket tubes, in order to make more accurate shots. Reduced the time between the barrage of rockets to 4 shots of the Calliope to make it more competitive with the bursting of the 6 shots of the Hachi.
- Improved handling of Kettenkrad to be a more fun vehicle to drive.
- 3P bombsight aircraft become less accurate at higher altitudes, pilots must align the rings to bomb precisely from a higher altitude.
- Fixed a bug that could cause visual bugs when players changed seats in the LCVP.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused LCVP to spin and get out of control at very high speed.
- Fixed incorrect Sturmtiger icon with smoke thrower.
- Fixed an issue where spotted enemies would not appear from an aircraft.
- Fixed a bug that prevented transport vehicles on the Pacific from rolling back if the terrain was not flat.
- Fixed a bug with transportation vehicles on the Pacific which sometimes caused visual problems.
- Fixed a bug with some aircraft propellers spinning slower than expected.
- Fixed an issue where planes would not take damage when hit by shell projectiles.
- Fixed a bug that could make the position of the shooter's seat broken after entering it.
- The death flow has been refactored, making it more robust and easier to debug in case of other problems. This resolves several issues related to players trapped in a bleeding state after being killed.
- Upgraded Norman Kingleys downstream, which previously could cause invisible first-person torsos.
- The Japanese soldier's audio no longer requests a V1 instead of the KI-147.
- Fixed another bug that could cause rag dolls to "hang from their hips". With this fix, I hope this bug should become even more rare than it already is.
- Fixed an exploit that increased the height of players' cameras.
- Fixed an issue affecting soldiers throwing a Kunai knife, which could cause the Katana sword to float in the third person.
- Fixed a bug that could cause the soldier to continuously play the animation of the throwing pocket.
Maps and modes
- Solomon Island – Removal of the supply station located inside the mountain.
- Solomon Island – Removed invisible collision near beach on Breakthrough.
- Solomon Island – Fixed an issue inside the crashed plane that could block players.
- Solomon Island – Fixed an exploit that allowed players to hide inside a mountain wall.
- Solomon Island – Removal of a duplicate static track placed over another truck.
- Solomon Island – Fixed several issues that allowed players to reach unintentional areas of the map.
- Solomon Island – Once the AT guns are destroyed, they must be rebuilt. Previously, they reappeared incorrectly.
- Solomon Island – A little bit of water no longer injects the effects of dirt when fired.
- Solomon Island – The effects of the rain no longer pass through the crashed plane and the military barracks.
- Solomon Island – Fixed a bug that caused invisible fires to appear on destroyed American transport vehicles.
- Solomon Island – Various small clippings and other graphics issues.
- Solomon Island – Many improved spawning grounds.
- Solomon Island – Improved transparency of water from certain angles.
- Solomon Island – Added effects of missing rain particles.
- Solomon Island – Conquest – Improvement of the catch area on the C flag.
- Iwo Jima – Various minor graphics improvements.
- Pacific Storm – Decreased intensity of the sun, looking out of some bunkers.
- Wake Island – Breakthrough – Improved location of AT turrets in sector 2 to make them more useful.
- Wake Island – Breakthrough – Displacement of the AA turret in sector 4.
- Wake Island – Fixed debris to look better when players destroyed planes parked inside the hangar.
- Wake Island – Improved placement of vehicle refueling stations.
- Wake Island – Added a limit to the number of active planes on the map at the same time, each team can now only have two active planes at the same time.
- Wake Island – We ask everyone to watch out for the large fuel tanks.
- Wake Island – Planes are now destroyed if they crash in the hangar.
- Wake Island – Fixed floating sandbags.
- Airfield – Improved effect of smoke grenade in the hangar area, making visibility more difficult.
- Devastation – Fixed some places where players could get stuck.
- Fjell 652 – Squad Conquest – Moved around a few objects that could get players stuck in geometry.
- Hamada – The craters on the runway no longer prevent planes from taking off because they are only visual and not physical alterations to the terrain.
- Hamada – The sandstorm has a smoother transition loop when operating with maximum effect.
- Marita – Fixed an exploit that could be used by players for an unfair advantage.
- Narvik – Frontlines – Fixed a floating supply station and slightly improved the combat zone.
- Twisted Steel – Conquest – Elimination of the double medical supply station and replacement with an ammunition station.
- Breakthrough – Fixed revolutionary retirement icons in vehicles.
- Outpost – Players who die near built towers could not be revived, this has now been fixed.
- Spectator Mode – Fixed 3P directing camera not automatically returning to its original position after colliding with objects.
- Spectator Mode – Fixed some cameras that were placed outside the playable area by default.
- War Stories – Fixed missing throwing knife animation.
- War stories – Fixed missing grenade launch animation.
- Firestorm – Fixed missing propellers on drop plans.
- Firestorm The minimum number of players for the solo has been reduced from 8 to 2.
- Implementation of a new audio prioritization system to reduce the occurrences of important sounds being eliminated due to performance limitations. This results in more controlled and stable behavior for sounds such as vehicles, footsteps and weapons.
- Players can now join their friends who play on community servers via the social menu.
- Adding a little more weight to most short-range weapon fire sounds, except smgs and pistols. The difference is most important in stereo.
- Addition of a new option in the audio menu to change the sounds of the hit indicator between the current (default), the original version of the BFV and deactivate it.
- Added a potential fix for players ending up in the wrong region during matchmaking. Please let us know if the situation has improved with this update.
- Added the "Claim All" button in the missing armory.
- The ammunition and seat user interface no longer overlaps when players are in the passenger seats of Pacific vehicles and when playing in 4K resolution.
- Improved M2 Carbine icon to better represent the weapon visually.
- If on an airplane, spotted enemies who are not in the player's line of sight (behind a wall, etc.) will now display with a different icon in the world (an outline instead of a diamond full).
- Getting multiple headshots in quick succession now stacks headshot icons, instead of displaying them one by one.
- The progression of the 1906 Selbstlader has been corrected.
- The game now automatically moves the selector to the previous vehicle that the player had selected in the vehicle deployment menu.
- Map icons for supply stations are now displayed if players can build / repair them.
- The zoom settings for the minimap are now saved between lifetimes.
- Fixed a bug that blocked players on the deployment screen and could trigger if they changed teams while they were still alive.
- Fixed typos in Sai's description.
- Fixed the description of the MAB38 Mastery VI assignment.
Stability and performance
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using the Russian language.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if the player played the game for more than 5 hours at one time.
Playstation 4
Fixed a bug that caused random black squares to appear in the game world
When it comes to casual play, the main feature of update 1.33 is the change in the balance of its weapons. In short, the adjustments bring most of the weapons in the game back to their 5.0 state. Classes like SMG, MMG and even recoil schemes have been pushed back to their previous configurations. The purpose of this change is to ensure that the fall in damage is less severe than it was in conjunction with the arrival of Chapter 6 in February. With today's update, weapons like AR should be much more effective. This means that ranged combat seems more deliberate, while close-up action has a more chaotic atmosphere. As for the customization of the tank, Battlefield 5 now includes 37 individual parts distributed over three sections of the vehicle.
As far as the rest of update 1.33 goes, there isn't much here to see past the bug fixes for vehicles, weapons, and soldier animations. A specific outlier, however, is the new audio system designed to provide players with improved sound effects that are not implemented or altered based on performance. In other words, the sounds should no longer be muted during tense shootouts. Battlefield 5 update 1.33 may not be the sexiest patch in the block, but it does have many fine-tuning tweaks that hardcore gamers have been asking for.
Battlefield 5 is now available on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Update 6.2 is now online.
What do you think of these release notes? Changes in weapon balance Battlefield 5 better? Tell us in the comments section!
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