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Cash! Weapons! The whole life of GTA! Are Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto IV fans ready for GTA VI?


Rock star & # 39; games Grand Theft Auto IV was memorable for all the right reasons. From Cash, Guns and all GTA, the same success followed GTA V! The fans were dying to want to know whether or not a GTA VI comes out and it is because Rockstar Games seems to tease players with little insights and hints about the upcoming games they choose to produce.

Cash! Weapons! The whole life of GTA! Are Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto IV fans ready for GTA VI?

(Photo: Screen capture from GTA 6 PT Facebook page)
Grand Theft Auto VI

According to Rockstar_Mag on Twitter, the official Rockstar Games YouTube channel has posted a video, but it's still private! This may be the best news fans of this franchise have ever heard in a while since Rockstar was really secret about their works.

Rockstar is used to working in the shadows and going out with a boom!

Unlike most games, a heavy promotion just isn't rock star games“Style because they prefer to let fans wonder and leave clues from time to time and when the time is right, BOOM! They go out with a crash! Given that the GDC or the Game Developers Conference has just been postponed, it's impossible to say what the studio wanted this to happen, but it never really did.

GDC 2020 would have been the perfect place to announce new Rockstar games

The recent tweet that found that the game's official YouTube channel is hiding a video can be taken as proof that a surprise is on its way! Although this is not strong enough evidence to prove that the video concerns GTA VI, at least we can be sure that a new game from Rockstar Games is on the way, and fans will never be disappointed regardless of the game! Well, it would be much better if the game was a Grand Theft Auto game for some time since this franchise got a new series.

Also read: IT'S ALIVE! Fan Finds Evidence Of Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto V I In The Making!

Rumors have spread about the theme of the new game

There have already been rumors of a Jamaican / Colombian theme for the new Rockstar game coming from signs that vaguely suggest in this direction. The only source of this material was when Rockstar sent the usual Christmas gifts to staff. There were Jamaican and Colombian flags on the badges! Some people saw this as a sign that the next Grand Theft Auto 6 would be geared towards a defined theme in South America! Could it be a Narcos inspiration GTA VI game on the way? Or could it be something else?

Also read: Rockstar Games Grand Theft Auto 5 Online Gets Retro Japanese Formula 1 Car With Double Rewards

Rockstar Fans After Rockstar Works Will Be Happy With Next Game

The good thing about Rockstar Games is that it has so many good games to its credit Grand Theft Auto IV and the whole GTA most recent deductible Red Dead Redemption Franchise with other types of games in between. The excitement is mounting even more as fans eagerly await another launch of Rockstar Games this year.

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