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Advanced Research and Invention Agency (ARIA) established


The UK Government has announced the pending launch of the Advanced Research & Invention Agency (ARIA) to support national innovation.

The new institution is set to be fully functional in 2022.

ARIA is built to remain globally competitive in science and technology development and aims to fund high-risk research that offers high reward opportunities.

With the support of 800 million people aiming for the agency to be fully functional by 2022, ARIA encourages researchers to identify and assist in new areas of research and technology, hiring in the process. Help to create.

Apart from government intervention, the project aims to bureaucracy while flexibly and quickly funding researchers by experimenting with various funding models such as program grants, seed grants, and prize incentives. Aim to avoid.

From here, you can start and stop projects based on success, taking into account the high likelihood of failure when it comes to experimenting with technology.

ARIA is based on models that have proven successful in other countries, such as the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) model, which helped create GPS and the Internet.

Executive Director Kwasi Kwaten said: “From steam engines to the latest artificial intelligence technology, the UK is devoted to scientific discoveries, whether disease outbreaks or climate change require bold, ambitious and innovative solutions today. A series of challenges.

“This new institution, independently led by our best scientists, focuses on quickly identifying and funding cutting-edge research and technology.

“By removing unnecessary bureaucratic formalism and empowering innovators, agencies are given the freedom to drive tomorrow’s technology to continue to build better through innovation.”

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Amanda Solloway, Minister of Science and Innovation, commented: “To meet the challenges of the 21st century, we need to equip the R & D community with a new scientific engine that incorporates the idea that a big leap into the unknown will bring real great success.

“ARIA gives them the freedom to unleash our most exciting scientists and inventors, drive their scientific vision, and explore new ideas that will change the game at unprecedented speed.

“This will help create new inventions, technologies and industries that will truly solidify Britain’s position as a global science superpower.”

Confidence vote

In response to the planned launch of ARIA, Russ Shaw CBE, founder of Tech London Advocates & Global Tech Advocates, said the project is now a long-term desire of the government to start the country. He said he was showing trust. researcher.

“Undoubtedly, the launch of Aria is ambitious for digital businesses, especially deep tech companies built on years of research and development, and cutting-edge solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems. It will be another vote of trust for scientists.

“The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic will surely strengthen the need for vehicles that enable technology and science to pursue high-risk, breakthrough innovations.

“Despite having access to capital, talent and academic excellence to make the UK an outstanding innovation hub, we are positioned as lacking the fast-paced culture embodied by Silicon Valley. Often, initiatives like Aria are a commitment to tackle this, but in order to compete with other major hubs from a R & D perspective, initial investment is that we are just getting started. is showing.

“As Britain seeks to establish itself as a superpower of innovation, Aria can play an important role in defining Britain’s post-EU international image. To succeed. The government needs to work closely with the technology community to ensure that well-known technology businesses are involved so that the most innovative ideas can thrive. “

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Mark Masterson, Head of Research and Development at NTT DATA UK, welcomes the encouragement of innovation while ensuring a margin for common missteps in new technology projects.

Masterson commented: It’s great to see the government openly support and encourage innovation with the launch of ARIA. ARIA will only further strengthen Britain’s position as a major technology nation.

We have seen innovation play a major role in adapting to a pandemic and ensuring that life continues as normally as possible. From large-scale transitions to digital and remote work to vaccine development, which is measured in months instead of years, innovation is essential to progress as a society.

It is important to keep an eye on the future that will change our lives and the next technological and scientific innovations. ARIA will make it possible for us, and it is important to be able to do so without fear of failure, as it is the only way innovation can truly thrive and succeed.

Learn more about the ARIA project.

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