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Margaret Mitchell: Who is this Google researcher fired after Timnit Gebble?


Margaret Mitchell: Who is this new Google researcher fired after Timnit Gebble? (Speevr YouTube screenshot)

In just three months’ timeline, another prominent researcher on ethics in the field of artificial intelligence pointed out for the second time that Google had fired her. On Friday, Google researcher Margaret Mitchell was actually fired from the company’s AI lab, known as Google Brain, where she previously co-led another group working directly on an ethical approach to artificial intelligence. Said that.

Margaret Mitchell co-led with Timnit Gebble

According to a Wired article, her then group co-leader Timnit Gebru had previously left Google in December. Gebru was later dismissed after refusing to remove her name from a particular research treatise that actually drew attention to an AI system that processes text containing technology used by Google’s search engine. Said.

Gebru actually believes that disagreements could have been used as an excuse to remove her because she is willing to speak out about Google’s improper treatment of both black employees and women. Was stated. Later, Mitchell learned that he was actually able to pass the email he received on Friday afternoon. Inside Google, her previous team was informed by a particular manager that she wouldn’t recover from the actual outage that occurred last month.

Margaret Mitchell’s claim

It is reported that the wider world was discovered when Mitchell frankly posted the two words “I was fired” on Twitter. In a particular statement, a particular Google spokesperson said Mitchell allegedly shared confidential documents outside the company and personal data of other employees.

After Mitchell’s last outage last month, Google focused on activity on her account that actually triggered a particular security system. Sources familiar with Mitchell’s recent suspension said she used certain scripts to email specific material related to Gebble’s time within the company.

I was fired.

— MMitchell (@mmitchell_ai) February 19, 2021

Also read: Who is Tim Knit Gebble? Google Scholar fired in controversial email with Jeff Dean

Margaret Mitchell’s Contribution

Google’s Gebru, Mitchell, and their entire ethical AI team allegedly contributed significantly to the growth of recent research by specific AI experts trying to understand and mitigate potential shortcomings of AI. did. He then contributed to a decision by Google executives to limit some of the company’s AI services, such as abolishing certain features of image recognition services that actually tried to identify the gender of the people in the photo. It is reported that.

Google AI’s chief investigator, known as Jeff Dean, previously pointed out that the research treatises that led to Gebble’s resignation were actually of poor quality. However, it does not mention some work on how to fix flaws in the AI ​​text system. Researchers inside and outside Google have reportedly disputed that particular characterization. More than 2,600 Google employees reportedly signed letters protesting Gebru’s treatment.

Related article: Google AI researchers want Timnit Gebru to return to a higher position than any other demand.

This article is owned by TechTimes

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