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Big Muddy Mini Maker Faire to showcase past and present technology | St. Joe Live


When it comes to the arts in St. Joseph, there are a few blind spots, with technology among them.

For three years, the Big Muddy Mini Maker Faire, a showcase for technology and its inventors, past and present, has opened the eyes of the city.

We have always known that there was a huge presence of innovation and creativity in this region. And now seeing innovators, creatives come out and share with each other what they are interested in doing, it's really nice to see, said Julie Gaddie, President of the Mosaic Life Care Foundation , which is the host of the event.

Dubbed the biggest show (and say) on Earth, the Mini Maker Faire returns to the Restoration Church, 117 Francis St., from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday March 7.

A showcase for artisans, technology enthusiasts, food craftsmen and engineers, among others, the fair covers a wide range of leisure and shop windows. A person can go from the latest virtual reality game to the archaic steampunk tech tour in a matter of minutes, which Gaddie says is part of the call.

We constantly see people walking through the doors of the Mini Maker Faire and being physically surprised. They are just not sure what it is. And that is the most intriguing part of this event, she said.

The Mini Maker Faire was launched in 2006 in San Francisco as a project by the editors of Make Magazine, a publication focused on DIY technology projects. From there it spread around the world.

Locally, the fair shows the range of people in the area who are interested in technology and the good it can do in the workplace and to solve complex problems.

We know that the jobs and employers of tomorrow rely on innovation to move us forward. Almost all of the employers involved in workforce development right now say: We need creative thinkers. We need people who can solve complex problems. And these are the types of events that promote it for all age groups, said Gaddie.

Throughout the day, people can learn everything from CPR to performing a magic trick and setting up their own recycling program. Gaddie said it would hopefully inspire other people to continue their trade or explore a new one.

It is an event that creates momentum towards what we want, which is a healthy and viable community for generations to come, she said.

The Big Muddy Mini Maker Faire is part of the Downtown First’s First Saturday event and is open to all ages. Tickets are $ 5 to $ 24 and are available at or at the door.

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