Howard County and German Cybersecurity Council Seek to Establish Business Exchange Program
Howard County and the German Cybersecurity Council plan to launch a new trading platform designed to help businesses gain access to both markets.
On March 26, Howard County Economic Development Authority (HCEDA) plans to sign a memorandum of understanding with Cyber-Sicherheitsrat Deutschland e.V (CSD) (which translates to the German Cybersecurity Council), according to HCEDA.
The Berlin Council convenes businesses and the government to fight cybercrime in the European nation. In collaboration with Howard County, the new platform will seek to bring together industry, academia and government in the two countries and is designed to expand relations between the two markets of the countries.
The memorandum of understanding between the HCEDA and the CSD establishes a key relationship between theHowardCounty and the German cybersecurity markets, "said HowardCounty Executive Calvin Ballin a report. "This partnership is an important step forward in connecting the HowardCountybusiness world and establishing a path for German businesses to develop in the region. "
A main objective is to allow companies from both countries to collaborate. This includes an exchange program, as well as support for investment and business activities, as Germany intends to make it easier for American companies exploring its market.
The idea is also to make Howard County an entry point into the US market for German companies. CSD will take place at Maryland Innovation Center on Columbia Gateway Drive to provide assistance. Originally known as the Howard County Innovation Center, the space opened its first phase last year and has made cybersecurity a priority.
This is the latest example of efforts to open up international trade relations that we have seen taking place recently in the region. AT bwtech @ UMBC, a "soft landing" program and a memorandum of understanding between the United Kingdom and Maryland recently made the headlines while the British iProov opened an American headquarters at the Catonsville research park. the Maryland Department of Commerce contributed to this effort, as in the Memorandum of Understanding with the German Council.
Elsewhere on the home front, Howard County is also celebrating its Innovation Week until the first week of March. Weekly activities include daily stops by Ball to allocate grants from the new county innovation fund totaling $ 225,000.
Ball said the idea was to encourage "a culture of inventive ideas" among business and the nonprofit community. Monday, he presented the startup of autonomy STEER Tech with a grant of $ 30,000 for the use of autonomous vehicles for the refueling of a fleet.
.@HoCoGov works with a local entrepreneur, Dr Anuja Sonalker CEO of @STEERTechLLC, to create a more innovative and efficient government. They are currently working with @HCEDA use the $ 30,000 grant to drive autonomous vehicles to increase the efficiency of our inspection process
– Calvin Ball (@HoCoGovExec) March 2, 2020
Here is an overview of the other recipients:
- Howard County Autism Society, for an autism hiring program
- Institute of Community Ecology who will use his farm to demonstrate techniques like agro-voltaics, biodiversity, agroforestry and no-till agriculture
- Howard County Sustainable Development Office, to study alternative lawn projects and develop an awareness program
- American Diversity Group for a telemedicine program that includes a mobile application
- Howard County Community Resources Department, for an interpretation device to facilitate communication called Instant Language Assistant Professional (ILA Pro)
- Humanim create another staffing model owned by employees for direct service providers
- Respite retreats provide virtual reality to cancer patients for rehabilitation and recovery, pain relief, anxiety reduction and more
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