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Apple would have rejected coronavirus applications not developed by recognized institutions


By Mikey Campbell
Thursday, March 05, 2020, 3:32 p.m. ET (6:32 p.m. ET)

In what appears to be an attempt to stop the spread of misinformation, Apple is restricting the distribution of COVID-19-related applications to recognized health agencies and institutions, a report said on Thursday.


The App Store searches for "coronavirus" and "COVID-19" return applications developed by established organizations.

While Apple has yet to announce strict and speedy app store rules for apps that provide information about the coronavirus outbreak, four independent developers said CNBC that their software was rejected because he was not supported by an official health agency or a public entity.

Apple is reported to have told a developer that all COVID-19-related applications should be published by a health organization or a government. Another developer received an email from Apple saying, "Applications containing information about current medical information must be submitted by a recognized institution."

Origin, not content, seems to be a major deciding factor in Apple's decision-making process. According to the report, some denied apps incorporated publicly available information from established sources like the World Health Organization (WHO). Quoting a person familiar with the subject, the report says that the publishers of the App Store evaluate the applications according to the origin of the health data of a title and if the publisher of the publication is associated to a trusted organization.

A keyword search for "coronavirus" currently only provides a handful of relevant results, including an ad for The Epoch Times, a tracking application created by the Brazilian government and a free mobile resource developed by Unbound Medicine called "Relief Central". The "HealthLynked COVID-19 Tracker", which integrates data from WHO, DXY, Worldometer and Johns Hopkins, is the best result for "COVID-19", followed by the aforementioned "Relief Central" application .

Developers who have had their apps rejected say Apple has cited App Store Directive 5.2.1, which states that "apps must be submitted by the person or legal entity who owns or has licensed intellectual property and other relevant rights. " In addition, Apple updated its App Store rules on Wednesday to include a new policy, 5.1.1.ix, which requires that apps associated with "highly regulated" fields be submitted by a "legal entity that provides the services, not by an individual developer. "

Measures taken by Apple to limit the spread of misinformation on the App Store follow similar initiatives from Amazon, Google, Facebook and Twitter. For example, Google Play bans the distribution of apps that "profit from a natural disaster" and searches for titles related to coronaviruses yielded no results on Thursday. Facebook and Twitter have instituted blanket bans on deceptive viral ads, while Amazon said last week that it was monitoring its storefront to look for price gouging. This latter effort, however, seems to be collapsing, as many heavily inflated prices for a variety of everyday items like hand sanitizers, Recode reports.

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