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Second Galaxy S20 firmware update arrives, improves camera and gestures


Samsung started deployment a new firmware update for their Galaxy S20 series to improve the camera and gestures. This is the second update that the device has received, even if it has not yet been officially released.

While they are impressive on paper, opinions on the Galaxy S20 series have been mixed. The camera has flaws that have left critics scratching their heads. Basic tasks such as autofocus that take much longer than they are, plague programming. Since the camera is a key upgrade, these bugs left most early adopters with a lukewarm taste.

Firmware correction required

Samsung, aware of these complaints, has promised to resolve these issues with a software firmware update. Originally released in Korea, Samsung quickly responded to complaints with an update of 253 megabytes. The hope is that Samsung is running to release the update to the world soon.

During their Unpacked 2020 event, Samsung released 3 versions of its Galaxy S series. Samsung only released two models at launch, usually the standard S model and a Galaxy S + model.

This year, Samsung went hand in hand with an Ultra model of its phone with very high-end specifications. The Ultra included specs like an industry-leading camera with 108 megapixels and a 100x spatial zoom. For good measure, the phone also comes with a 40 megapixel selfie camera and a 5000 mAh battery.

All three models included upgraded cameras with the Galaxy S20 and S20 Plus equipped with a 64-megapixel telephoto lens. In addition to the now standard 4K video recording, the full range is now armed with 8K recording capacity that stands the test of time.

Galaxy S20, impressive but imperfect

Running the camera isn't the only issue tarnishing the flagship lineup. The design of the new phones is also controversial. Unlike the beautiful curves of the Galaxy S10 series, the S20 series is much flatter.

Price has been a major problem for consumers. The price of the three models has increased considerably in all areas. Sales of the Galaxy S20 series have declined since the start of pre-orders, which Samsung credits the coronavirus.

Samsung has ignored all complaints about the price so far. They did, however, hear complaints about the quality of the camera. Fortunately, they were relatively quick to respond and suggest improvements before the release.

Currently, the Galaxy S20 series is for pre-order through operators and Samsung directly. March 6, 2020 is the global release date for all models of the Galaxy S20. Once unpacked, there will already be two firmware updates pending.

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