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Apple and Google crack down on coronavirus apps to fight disinformation


Apple and Google have started cracking down on coronavirus-related apps, says new report from CNBC. Application developers who have spoken to the news organization claim that Apple rejects all mobile software related to coronaviruses that does not come from recognized health organizations or the government. CNBC also reports that Google does not return any results for searches related to coronaviruses on the Play Store, although it is unclear at this time whether Google also restricts the approval of new apps.

Apple appears to detect new coronavirus-related applications in its manual review process, with developer CNBC they received a message from the iPhone maker reading: apps containing information about current medical information should be submitted by a recognized institution.

Some well-intentioned mobile apps from independent developers that rely on data and information from the World Health Organization of recognized healthcare facilities are found in the ban, CNBC reports. This is because Apple is apparently assessing whether apps that provide information related to the coronavirus can be trusted sources of information for the public, CNBC said. In this case, it would appear that Apple is limiting these reliable sources to only official health organizations and the government. Apple declined to comment on this story.

Currently, few iOS apps related to the virus appear in search results or in the ranking of best apps, CNBC reports, although there are existing and mostly benign options available. These include a virus tracking application from a company called Healthlynked, a COVID-19 (disease caused by the new coronavirus) application from the medical resource company Unbound, and a Portuguese application published by the Brazilian government with information about the virus.

As for Android, Google appears to be deliberately blocking search results for the virus and COVID-19, but we don't know if the company has a total ban on new apps related to the coronavirus. Google does, like CNBC underlines, have existing policies against apps that deny the existence of major tragic effects; apps that lack reasonable sensitivity to or take advantage of a natural disaster, atrocities, conflicts, deaths or other tragic events; and apps that appear to benefit from a tragic event without any noticeable benefit to the victims.

Google declined to comment on this story, but the company pointed out The edge has a series of approved applications providing information on coronaviruses, including those of the American Red Cross, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Doctor On Demand, as well as news apps such as the app Official Twitter Android and News 360. Applications deemed to be in violation of its sensitive events policy, described above, may also be removed, so it does not apply only to applications not yet published in progress of revision.

Apple and Google are far from the only companies taking steps to reduce content that peddles misinformation or seeks to exploit the ongoing epidemic for financial gain. Facebook, the company's Instagram subsidiary, and Twitter have banned disinformation about coronaviruses, and Amazon is currently grappling with waves of new product lists that exploit the situation by claiming to offer remedies or protection from COVID-19 or prices for health items like disinfectants for hands and face masks.

Etsy started cracking down on coronavirus lists in its market, and Google followed Facebook by banning ads linked to coronaviruses, although offenders always slip through the cracks.

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