How to download and customize your theme on ROG Phone 5

Like any smartphone, ROG Phone 5 allows you to customize your device with a collection of themes. Some are out of the box and pre-installed on the phone. But beyond that, to get more options, you need to scrutinize the list from the ASUS theme store.
ASUS regularly adds themes to your store so you can choose from more themes. And that will probably last quite a long time. That’s because the phone has just been announced and has a lifespan of at least a year before ASUS announces the next line.
If you want to download and change your new ROG Phone 5 theme, this handy guide will show you how to do it all. It’s pretty simple and shouldn’t take long.
How to download and customize your theme on ROG Phone 5
If you download and customize your theme on ROG Phone 5, you can give your device a unique style that suits your personality.
You may want to change the theme frequently to make your phone UI look fresh. In any case, ASUS provides a very long list of themes for you to choose from. And there are quite a few pretty decent ones.
You can also customize specific parts of the theme or apply the entire set of changes. So, for example, if you like changing your lock screen or home screen, along with incoming screens and other elements, and you don’t like the icon pack, you can choose to remove the icon pack from the change list.
To get started, go to the settings menu
Start by navigating to the device settings menu. In the settings menu, I’m looking for a theme and wallpaper submenu.
Tap the theme store
Then go to the theme store to get a new theme. Here you can download more themes to your device.
Browse featured themes or browse categories
When the theme store opens, you’ll see the theme’s featured page. ASUS will change these from time to time to see new batches of newly featured themes. At the time of writing, there are featured themes based on Dead Cells (a popular roguelike video game), Honkai Impact 3rd, Modern Combat Versus, Asphalt 9, BlackDesert Mobile and more.
Alternatively, you can browse the categories. Do this if you want to narrow the list of possible themes to one particular look. Categories include illustrations, cartoons and animations, lifestyle, modern, sci-fi, simple, pets and animals, travel, festivals and holidays.
Download new wallpaper
From the theme store, you can download new themes for ROG Phone 5 as well as new wallpapers across different categories from here. The Wallpaper tab is in the navigation at the bottom of the theme store. There are also featured pages and category pages to help you find what you need.
Apply a new theme to ROG Phone 5
Now that you’ve downloaded some new themes, you’ll probably want to apply them to give your phone a new look. It’s also very easy to do.
Return to Theme & Wallpaper menu
Start by returning to the Theme and Wallpaper menu. From there, you will enter a submenu labeled “My Themes”. Here you can find all the themes you downloaded or unboxed and pre-installed on your device.
Tap the theme,[すべて適用]Click
Then, on this screen that pops up after selecting the theme to use[すべて適用]You need to press the button.[すべて適用]Tap to include all the elements of the selected theme. Includes icon pack.
Use Customize option to apply only specific parts of the theme
Finally, as mentioned above, you can customize your theme simply by applying specific parts of the theme. Customization options here include lock screen wallpaper, home screen wallpaper, and icon packs.
Some ROG Phone 5 themes, or most of them, also change menu styles, such as settings menus, fonts, incoming screens, world clocks, and various other elements. When applying a theme that contains them, there doesn’t seem to be the ability to change whether these things are applied. They always apply.
And that’s basically it. Go back to the theme store often to see if there’s something new that catches your eye.
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