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Goodbye John Legend? Google Assistant gives up his most legendary voice


If you've gotten used to having John Legend (or his voice, at least) as your Google Assistant, prepare for a loss. Google has announced that it will stop the voice of the celebrity cameo on March 23.

Google delivered the singer's voice to its list of Google Assistant voices available during Google I / O in April of last year. The tech company previously said that John Legend would only stay for a limited time. However, the company has not said how long it could stay.

So in just under a year, the first movie star voice on Google Assistant will be gone. It’s a good reminder that, as Google warned from the start, these cameos are not permanent.

It is really a shame because Android users have come to love the singer of All Of Me responding to all their whims with the soft tones of one. It even became possible to make him sing Happy Birthday. How can we ever go back there now?

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The legend of John Legend is almost over? For real?

Google announced the sad news in a tweet on Thursday, informing us that the legendary race is almost over, and with it, our love affair with Google Assistant.

"#HeyGoogle, serenade me again. Enjoy the voice of the Google Assistant cameo from @ JohnLegend before (end) March 23," the organization said. wrote on Twitter.

Why is it only for a limited time? Only Google, which introduced the voice in the closure of Google I / O, knows the answer. But it's probably something to do with the fact that they only pay Legend for a year of its services.

Speech will now be a better deal online due to fears about the coronavirus. Still, we really wouldn't be surprised to see Google upload to its movie star voice directory. For the moment, some are probably tempted to give a turn to the clear voice of Alexa Samuel L. Jackson.

John Legend's cameo arrived with his personal set of precise Easter eggs. You will make him crooner if you ask him to sing you "Happy Birthday" or if you ask about Chrissy Teigen, his wife also famous.

For now, if you really need a celebrity voice as a Google assistant on standard selections, Google will continue to offer comedian Issa Rae as an option. But don't get attached to it, as it will still be removed from the Google Assistant very soon.

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No read web page has been launched

Whether you miss the legendary voice or not — or like Issa's company — the good news is that Google will always do whatever it did. Google Assistant can now read Internet messages aloud with a more robotic voice.

Android users can now ask Google Assistant to read the articles on their Internet browser by saying, "Hey Google, browse it" or "Hey Google, browse this web page". This is a handy feature for people who consume the bulk of their articles on the web.

Google also claims that the browser will scroll the page for you and highlight the words as they were read for you to follow. In addition, a maximum of users could be allowed to choose between specific scan rates and listeners.

READ ALSO: Google Assistant is about to improve SMS

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