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“FINAL FANTASY XVI will appear on PC and Xbox? Japan votes for franchise’s best character, game installment


According to a Dual Shockers report on Thursday, April 8th, it is rumored that the next FINAL FANTASY XVI will not be exclusive to the PlayStation 5.

The news came after a new list was posted on the PlayStation Australia PS5 games page, and that FINAL FANTASY 16 will only be available on PS5 console-only timings.

Thanks to Twitter users who found amazing fine print, this rumor could be good news for both Xbox fans and PC gamers.

(Photo: FINAL FANTASY XVI official page)

FINAL FANTASY XVI: Xbox Rumors and Release Date Predictions

Miracle Mc posted his findings on Twitter on April 6, adding that Sony indirectly mentioned the possibility that the game would eventually be released on other platforms.

They mentioned it a bit in the direct trailer, but I think people saw it as a confirmed PC port on a later date on the PS5. I think the Xbox version will come out soon.

— Miraculous Mac (@RedMakuzawa) April 6, 2021

Rumors began during the release of FINAL FANTASY XVI in September 2020, and the announcement slide stated that it was a PS5 game for a limited time.

However, both Square Enix and Sony have removed all references to “timed monopoly” in the game’s announcement trailer, suggesting that it will be permanently exclusive to the PS5.

In addition, FINAL FANTASY XVI was instructed to appear on the PC after the trailer indicated the release of the PC. However, Square Enix replied, “There is no further information as to whether FINAL FANTASY 16 will be released on platforms other than PS5.”

The release date for FINAL FANTASY XVI is undecided, but Tech Radar had previously speculated that it might be released sooner than expected.

Also read: FINAL FANTASY XVI adds features for players with low skills and who don’t like action gameplay

Voting in Japan: Which “Final Fantasy” game or character is the best?

The iconic FINAL FANTASY series is one of the best-selling video games to date, and the remake of its most famous work, FINAL FANTASY VII, is constantly being praised by its enthusiastic fans. ..

To end the debate over which “Final Fantasy” game deserves the top, Japanese public broadcaster NHK began a survey in December 2019 with 468,654 participants and votes.

Surprisingly, “FINAL FANTASY X” has defeated “FINAL FANTASY VII” with an unknown margin and has emerged as an option for Japan’s best “FINAL FANTASY” game.

Cloud, the protagonist of FINAL FANTASY VII, isn’t a complete loss for the latter, as Aeris has emerged as the best “FINAL FANTASY” character not too late.

(Photo: Square Enix Official Press Release)

The complete list is:

NHK Japan Pole-Best Final Fantasy Game Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy IX Final Fantasy XIV Final Fantasy V Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy IV Final Fantasy XI Final Fantasy XV NHK Japan Pole-Best Final Fantasy Character Cloud (VII) Yuna (X) Aeris (VII) Bibi (IX) Zidane (IX) Soluszos Galvas (XIV) Tidas (X) Lightning (XIII) Tifa (VII) Zack (VII)

It’s worth noting that while the old “FINAL FANTASY” title was on the best game list, none of the characters before “FINAL FANTASY VII” were on the best character list.

Related article: The remake of FINAL FANTASY VII grows as Leaker insists on PC migration and new story content!

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