The director of "Final Fantasy VII" thinks that it is a "waste" not to revisit "Parasite Eve"
- The director of the original "Final Fantasy VII" thinks it is a "waste" not to revisit "Parasite Eve"
- He said he didn't know if Square Enix was planning to bring the franchise back
- Fans await return of franchise
"Parasite Eve", a horror and survival title released on the original PlayStation in the 90s, was a popular game that had gained ground. After three titles in the franchise, however, it disappeared and was slowly left in memory by the players of the original. Will the franchise return to the era of video game remakes? A comment from a big name in the industry could tell.
Yoshinori Kitase is a name that belongs to someone well known in the role-playing genre. He is known for being the director of the original Final Fantasy VII released for the PlayStation in 1997. He also serves as the producer for the return of the beloved RPG, Final Fantasy VII Remake. That said, it's easy to understand that he knows what makes an RPG great.
In one interview with Japanese wrestler Kenny Omega for the official Square Enix YouTube channel, Kitase expressed his opinions on the revisit of Parasite Eve, IGN reported. The famous video game producer said that although he doesn't know of any plans to revive the franchise, he has expressed some enthusiasm about seeing it in the future.
The characters (from & # 39; Parasite Eve & # 39;) are very deep and rich, especially (the protagonist) Aya Brea, said Kitase when asked if he would like to see more of the franchise in the future.
I don't know of any plans at the moment, but it would be a waste not to use these characters, he added.
Unbeknownst to some, Kitase was the producer of The 3rd Birthday, the third installment in the Parasite Eve franchise.
In search of his return
While Kitase's lyrics may serve to spark some hope in the hearts of longtime fans, it is no guarantee that a remake or at least a remaster will come. The 3rd anniversary was released in 2010 in Japan and North America, and no news of a new episode has been seen since. Still, it is very unlikely that fans will stop hoping for it.
Parasite Eve was a widely received game that received high praise and received a score of 81 on Metacritic. The 3rd anniversary, on the other hand, did not receive as much praise, but still did well and got a score of 71 on Metacritic.
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