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Raze Network announces IDO offering with native token called $ RAZE


Raze Network Token (Pexels / AIX)

In a recent blog post, Raze Network, the first Polkadot-based cross-chain privacy protocol, announced the launch of a native token called $ RAZE.

The tokens were launched in the Balancer Liquidity Bootstrapping pool and the Raze Network is now preparing for the initial DEX offering on major decentralized platforms. This includes Poolz, Bounce, and DuckStarter.

Raze Network token

According to CoinTelegraph, the first DEX offering or IDO sale is primarily focused on providing early supporters of the project with the opportunity to access $ RAZE prior to its official launch.

With the launch of $ RAZE, the project aims to strengthen the privacy infrastructure of a decentralized financial environment.

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According to Justin Kellison, project leader and CEO of Raze Network, this is becoming a crucial cross-chain privacy protocol. This addresses common privacy concerns and is an important part of Raze Network’s growth strategy.

In addition, we aim to build a strong footstep as a leading privacy service provider by strengthening the aspect of complete anonymity.

Kellison said RazeNetwork is building a cross-chain privacy gateway across DeFi and Web 3.0. He added that he believes the Raze Network will be a seamless, frictionless privacy infrastructure to keep DApps private.

Raze is the first Polkadot-based cross-chain privacy protocol that provides end-to-end anonymity for DeFi stacks.

We also make this possible by adding zk-SNARK to the Zether framework. Therefore, create a second-tier distributed anonymous module.

Raze’s IDO on Bounce, Poolz, and Duck Starter

Raze Network will allocate $ 960,000 RAZE tokens for public distribution sales via the IDO platform. IDO will officially launch on April 12th on all platforms with a token launch price of $ 0.25.

According to Decrypt, bounce, Poolz, and DuckStarter are leading decentralized token auction platforms and lunchpads, enabling projects to raise funds in a decentralized way.

However, only users who have successfully completed the IDO platform whitelist and KYC process are eligible to participate in IDO.

The Raze Network Genesis Round is currently underway. After the IDO is finished, the project will run onboard in the Balancer Liquidity Bootstrapping pool. In addition, this is followed by a Uniswap list and various lists on centralized exchanges.

A very comprehensive and detailed strategy for the project to create $ RAZE accessible supporters to raise privacy awareness in a dynamic DeFi space.

The project aims to use a variety of platforms to mitigate the potential risk of token activation and prevent the community from being attacked maliciously.

Earlier, the Raze Network announced the successful end of a seed and private funding round. Participants from well-known blockchain and crypto VC companies such as OKEx Block Dream Fund, AU21 Capital, CMS Holdings, Master Ventures, X21, PNYX Ventures, Tensor Capital, Moonwhale Ventures, Signum Capital and Spark Ventures gathered.

With 88 times more oversubscription than seed and private funding rounds, the future of token launch looks big.

What is a polka dot pattern?

Polkadot is a blockchain protocol that allows various blockchains to run independently within a single network, protected by a shared security system.

Polkadot was founded by Ethereum co-founder and former CTO Gavin Wood, and Polkadot’s Genesis Block was launched in May 2020.

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