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Trump is tweeting again (on a sad, sad imitation platform).


A few months after almost all major social media platforms were launched, former President Donald Trump is now posting on a crude Twitter replica attached to his website, from Donald J. Trump’s desk. .. Pre-filled excerpts from Trump’s press release dating back to late March. The latest post from Tuesday is a video showing the platform as a place to talk freely and safely.

Trump launches new communication tool after social media ban (video via Donald Trump)

-Hill (@thehill) May 4, 2021

Feeds like Twitter appear on a single web page within Trump’s official website. All posts have Donald J. Trump at the top, along with a time stamp. This makes sense if more than one person is using the platform. However, there are some important differences between Twitter and the former president’s virtual desk. You cannot comment on or reply to posts. There is no 280 character limit on the platform. Some posts can be thousands of characters. Since there is no engagement counter, valuing a post seems to do nothing but make the heart button red. Dislike posting is not an option. Looking into the code on the site, one of my colleagues on the Slates development team noticed that the website was collecting data when users liked a particular post. (Even if you already like the post, it will continue to send data to the Trump team each time you click the button.) Next to each post, to share the content directly to Twitter, which permanently bans Trump. There is also a button that you can click. Facebook is deciding whether to bring him back to the platform this week. Messages are generally too long for Twitter’s character limit, which can lead to awkward reposts. At the top of the page, there’s also a donate and sign-up button, perhaps to help fund future political activities and another presidential election.

The idea of ​​circumventing the ban by letting others tweet his message on his behalf is interesting, but … the integration doesn’t seem to be designed to be pretty jerky / shit viral. , This used the “twitter” share button

— Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) May 4, 2021

In most cases, the content of the post is a bit more verbose than what Trump wrote on Twitter, but he hasn’t kicked his habit of attacking political enemies and spreading conspiracy theories about the 2020 elections. .. In another recent post dating back Monday, Trump accused Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney of being a big-name Warmonger.

Trump attacks Cheney on his new platform.From Donald J. Trump’s desk

Another big difference from Twitter is how crude Trump’s new platform is. At one point on Tuesday afternoon, a line of debug code was displayed at the bottom of the page, but was later hidden. Another of my colleagues found code that indicates that the site isn’t asking for positive consent to track users on Facebook Pageview Pixel, even if they live in Europe. The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation requires websites to explicitly opt in to this type of data collection.

This code was displayed on Trump’s “Communication Platform” at the bottom of the page. When I reloaded a few minutes ago, it was gone.

— Jonathan L. Fischer (@jon_fischer) May 4, 2021

Back on Twitter, users are relentlessly ridiculing the aesthetics and functionality of the platform, calling it a slap dash blog, essentially disguised as a social media site.

Trump’s new communication platform is a website that looks like I designed it in 15 minutes

-Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) May 4, 2021

“It’s going to be another blog on the internet … it’s really so sad and pathetic,” says @ChaiKomanduri on Trump’s new online platform.

— Beat with Ari Melber on MSNBC (@TheBeatWithAri) May 4, 2021

Well, this “new platform” is just a blog on a personal website that doesn’t even have a comment section. The game is back before 2008. https: //

-Domenico NPR (@DomenicoNPR) May 4, 2021

This is fun. Trump’s new communication platform is a weird web page!

-John Alavosis (@aravosis) May 4, 2021

At the same time, some of Trump’s prominent supporters, such as former White House aide Sebastian Gorka (now Newsmax host) and shameful political journalist Benny Johnson (now Newsmax host). Was sharing it.

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Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, and other major social media sites fear Trump will foster more violence and prevent the orderly transfer of presidential power following the Capitol riots. , Deleted Mr. Trump’s account. Some did so forever, while others could eventually get him back. The question was how the former president, who was obsessed with social media, tried to talk directly to his followers. Last summer, and shortly after the 2020 elections, the Trump Organization temporarily began negotiations with right-wing platform Parlor to open an account in exchange for company stock, but negotiations Has failed. Trump also sends press releases, some of which are like tweets. They are sent directly to the journalist’s inbox, but have never been scattered on social media like his old mission. For weeks, Trump has suggested launching a new social media network that could compete with Facebook, Twitter, and more. If this is the result of that effort, existing platforms don’t seem to worry much.

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