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Nvidias GeForce now loses 2K game titles after Activision and Bethesda


Nvidia said today that the game publisher 2K Games is withdrawing its library from the company's GeForce Now cloud game service at the request of 2Ks.

By publisher request, please note that 2K Games titles will be removed from GeForce NOW today. We are working with 2K Games to reactivate their games in the future, said Nvidia community manager Cory Banks in a message on the Nvidias forums. When asked for comments, Nvidia pointed out The edge for that February 20 blog post.

2K publishes the BioShock trilogy, Borderlands series, Civilization games, and NBA 2K series, among others. The withdrawal of the publishers is therefore a big loss for GeForce Now, which just left the beta version on February 4. Nvidia now offers a premium version of the cloud gaming service as a public trial for $ 4.99 per month, but the move to customer billing for the service has triggered a wave of game deletions. 2K withdrawing its games from service follows last month's Activision Blizzards and Bethesdas departures, which means that many popular titles are not available to play on the new public service.

2K did not respond to a request for comment, and Activision Blizzard and Bethesda have not yet explicitly explained why they withdrew their games. All three publishers authorized their games on GeForce Now while it was in beta, but at least in the case of Activision Blizzard, Nvidia would never have obtained permission to keep the titles Activision Blizzards on GeForce Now after quitting the beta and starting charging people money for it (there is still a very limited free level of GeForce Now). Presumably, Bethesda and 2K Games have had their games removed from GeForce Now for similar reasons, possibly due to some form of license conflict.

The promise of cloud gaming services seems great: stream all of your games in high fidelity over the Internet without having to worry about whether your computer, console or phone has the hardware to run it. But like the brewing of hard to follow content that we see on streaming services, the early days of cloud gaming showed that similar types of licensing issues can dictate which games you can actually stream. My colleague Nick Statt wrote an excellent article describing the situation that I recommend you read to better understand the intricacies involved with a service like GeForce Now.

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