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Proceedings: Google sells consumer information and lies about data policies


In a recent proceeding, Google continues to claim that it does not sell personal data, but continues to make money by selling consumer information.

Google promises to hundreds of millions of users that they will never sell their personal information to third parties and will be able to decide how to use it. The proceedings state that these promises are false. In fact, Google makes billions of dollars by monitoring consumer digital footprints and selling sensitive personal information.

The proceedings added Tampa Bay Times, quoted Google’s Terms of Service, and stated that “we will not sell your personal information to anyone.”

“Google’s real-time bidding exchange is said to be the most widespread in the world,” said Nanci Nishimura, a lawyer who is a partner of Cotchett, Pitre & McCarthy. “Despite Google’s promise not to sell your personal information to anyone, Google makes billions of dollars in selling sensitive consumer information in real time.

According to complaints, Google uses a real-time bidding system for digital advertising spots to continuously and secretly sell consumer data.

Image via Wikimedia Commons / Users: Kulandrumor. (CCA-BY-1.0) / Public domain.

Legitimate advertisers use this data to place targeted ads to people who may be interested in their products, but the proceedings allege that other less cautious companies. [siphon] From the so-called bid stream.

The NBC-Bay Area states that only one bidder wins the auction, but all participants can store, store, and monetize the information for sale.

The lawsuit states that many participants do not bid, conduct surveillance, and only participate to collect more detailed data points about millions of Google consumers than ever before.

Google claims that such bidstream data has been anonymized, but the proceedings suggest that Google has a long history of well-documented privacy infringement.

For example, in 2010, the Federal Trade Commission broke its own promise of privacy to consumers by using deceptive tactics to launch Google Plus, an now obsolete social network. I accused him.

Google later settled with FTC.

A few years later, in 2019, Google paid an additional $ 170 million for a settlement claim for the FTC and the Attorney General’s Office in New York for illegally collecting personal information about children from YouTube.

The company is also liable and fined tens of millions of euros by European Union courts.

Nevertheless, Google continues to protect and prioritize the confidentiality of user data.

In a statement, spokeswoman Jos Castaeda has set a strict policy that never sells personal information and specifically prohibits personalized advertising based on sensitive categories.


Google faces a lawsuit alleging privacy infringement

Google sells user’s personal data despite promises, federal court proceedings allege

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