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The Lara Croft effect: girls, games and glory


Most popular video games have a marked gender imbalance. Male characters often take center stage, women playing the second violin. Or they are interpreted as characters without agency, which must be saved all the time. the Grave robber the series was an exception, with female characters featured. The option to play as Kassandra in Assassins Creed Odyssey, which is part of one of the biggest gaming franchises of all time, is a step forward, suggesting a change in mentality in the gaming industry. With more women entering the game game and streaming on YouTube and Twitch, game developers are turning to this growing user base. Here's a look at some of the iconic female video game characters of recent times.


HaloThe iconic female character of Cortana has featured consistently in all games in the series (the first game was released in 2001), albeit in different forms. For starters, this character based on artificial intelligence (AI) has no real shape and exists as a virtual avatar visible only on a computer screen. In later games, Cortana can be boosted in the real world using some sort of projection device.

His appearance has changed with each game. Being a simple character who was trained to emphasize logic and who had the ability to change color, she continues to imitate emotions similar to those of humans, making her interactions more alive. Cortana also adopts blue as the default skin color, which blends well with the space-centric vibe Halo series.

Cortanas' role in the game has also increased. As an assistant in previous games, she has evolved to play a more decisive role in history.

Kassandra from Assassins Creed Odyssey.
Kassandra from Assassins Creed Odyssey.


Women have played an important role in Assassin's Creed games, but especially in support roles. It changed with Assassins Creed Odyssey in 2018. Playing as half goddess Kassandra is much more fun than her male counterpart Alexios. Armed with Leonidas' broken spear and the 50 abilities she discovers during the game, Kassandra is a witty character who likes to make fun of her opponents to the point of provoking them into battle. She is also intellectually gifted and can debate various subjects, such as absolute freedom of expression and its consequences on society, with Greek philosophers like Socrates. As players progress through the game, they discover the nuances of the character of Kassandras. She is a vulnerable mother who fears for the life of her son and decides to send him away to protect him. Yet she finds the strength to make heartbreaking decisions like killing her own brother for the good of the Greek nation. Assassins Creed Odyssey would not have been the same without it.

Lara Croft

One of the most adored women in video games, Lara Croft has fans across all genre groups. His adventurous streak, his ability to solve puzzles and not to be submerged in the worst scenario were the main driving force of the series which spans three decades. After the video game company Square Enix acquired Eidos Interactive in 2009, Lara Croft the games took a new turn, with the character of Laras getting a makeover. The shorts have given way to coarse pants and the perfect appearance with a classic ponytail has been replaced by a bruised look and tousled hair.

With new games in the series becoming much more difficult and more violent opponents, the new Lara Croft shows her ingenuity by using the game environment more often to her advantage.


One of the key characters in The witcher a series of books and video games spanning decades (the first game was released in 2007), Yennefer stands out as an independent, mature and dominant figure. She can make instant decisions and abide by them even if it goes against standards and offends people around her. Her strong facial features, purple eyes and deep voice also add to her charismatic appearance. Unlike Geralt, the protagonist, swords are not his first choice of weapon. She is a witch and prefers magic, in which her abilities are more powerful than Geralts. In his choice of clothing, Yennefer also favors comfort and preparation for battle rather than elegance or pomp.

Princess Zelda

Created by legendary game designer Shigeru Miyamoto, Princess Zelda was one of the first women to play in a video game (THE legend of Zelda). Since the first game in 1986, she has appeared in more than 10 titles, evolving from the young lady in distress to a more formidable role alongside Link, the other central character of the game. Although the characters in each game share the same name, their appearance has changed over time. Zeldas' role has grown, allowing players to identify with his strong, selfless character. During some games, players have the opportunity to put themselves in the place of Zeldas, fight the bad guys and save Link.

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