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Ann Millner and Val Peterson: Utah needs to do more to educate in tech jobs


The times are changing. Technology continues to develop and labor needs continue to evolve. While many of the exciting careers of tomorrow may not even exist today, educators, students and the workforce of Utah must do everything to secure their future success.

Many states are making concerted efforts to attract and cultivate talented people in the technology field, including emerging technologies, such as machine learning and artificial intelligence. Now is the time for Utah to do the same, being intentional and strategic in qualifying our citizens for the best jobs of today and tomorrow.

Almost 20 years ago, Governor Mike Leavitt set out to make Utah a tech capital. He traveled to Silicon Valley to recruit tech companies in Utah. Each time, his efforts were pushed back because the citizens of Utah did not have the requisite talent in sufficient numbers. We needed more engineers.

Leavitt and the Legislative Assembly worked to push through the Utah Engineering Initiative and increase the number of engineers trained in Utah. Since its inception, Utah has graduated more than 40,000 engineers, a vital first step in Utah's journey to becoming a leading technology center. Now is the time for phase two.

Last year, we met with many of the tech industry leaders from Utah. They all expressed a similar concern: they cannot find enough qualified candidates to fill research and development positions here in Utah. Despite their commitment to Utah, industry leaders are forced to seek out-of-state talent and, in some cases, must create and staff additional offices outside of the state. 39; State to meet their research and development needs. These lost positions are desirable highly skilled and well paid jobs. We want to keep great jobs like these here in Utah.

Justin Lindsey, Banjo CTO, shared, the Salt Lake City area is listed as a future technological city with many possibilities. Entrepreneurial dynamism is great, but to really fuel a technical ecosystem, you need highly talented technicians as fuel. Without this fuel, the engine will spit and the state will be left with the web equivalent of call centers that don't produce groundbreaking innovations. When you look at cities like Austin, Texas, technical talent gets closer to Boston, Seattle or Bay Area. The same cannot be said of Salt Lake City or Utah as a whole. We must act now to build and achieve the desired result.

With the advice of the technology community, we have created S.B. 96 Emerging Technological Talent Initiative. It will reward public universities for their partnership with industry leaders. It offers incentives to public universities to create emerging multidisciplinary technology programs that enable scientific discovery and innovation in engineering. It will help the Utah workforce to qualify for the best Utah jobs. While this bill does not create a specific program for universities to follow, it does provide incentives and guidelines for universities to create their own programs that meet the critical needs of the state.

With the right programs in place, Utah's workforce will increase to meet market opportunities. We can lead the country in the preparation and skill of the workforce. We must start today to capture the best careers of tomorrow.

Ann Millner

Sen. Ann Millner, R-Ogden

Val peterson

representative Val peterson, R-Orem

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