Earthquake warning: More than half of US buildings at risk of natural disasters – study | science | News
Wildfires, floods, hurricanes, and earthquakes pose a threat to more than half of all buildings in the United States. Hazardous hotspots make up only a third of the mainland United States, but most modern buildings are built in areas prone to natural disasters, according to research from the University of Colorado, Boulder.
In 1946, only 173,000 buildings were found in hotspots where at least two natural disasters were likely to occur.
However, 70 years later, that number has jumped to more than 1.5 million buildings, including schools and hospitals.
“We know that climate change increases the risk of damage from some natural hazards,” said climate scientist Virginia Iglesias of the University of Colorado Boulder.
“But are the losses also increasing because of the way we develop our cities and towns?”
However, climate change is not the only issue.
Population boom in the United States has led to the expansion of cities and urban areas, eventually moving cities.
As such, they start encroaching on areas with increased potential for natural disasters.
According to research, the number of structures prone to earthquakes and hurricanes has risen the most.
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Since 1945, buildings in hurricane-prone areas have tripled.
As climate change worsens, the number will increase – particularly around the Gulf of Mexico.
Most people who live in more dangerous areas are rated as poorer.
Ultimately, natural disasters can increase social inequality in what can turn into a vicious cycle.
Dr. Inglesias said: “Vulnerability matters. There is evidence that natural disasters exacerbate social and economic inequality.
“If we are to make decisions that effectively increase the ability of communities to deal with natural hazards, we need to know where vulnerable populations live, and the specific risks they are exposed to.”
The team found that cities on the West Coast of the United States are more vulnerable to wildfires and hurricanes.
The research said 22 percent of earthquake damage occurs on the West Coast, according to the research published in the journal Earth’s Future.
While structures are now being built with earthquakes in mind, many older buildings have not been certified.
The team also found that between 1992 and 2015, at least 2.5 million homes were within one kilometer of a wildfire each year across the United States.
The researchers wrote: “These critical levels of exposure are a legacy of decades of sustainable growth and indicate our inability, lack of knowledge or unwillingness to limit development in dangerous areas.
“Development in these areas continues to grow faster than the nation’s baseline rates, foreshadowing greater future losses even if the effects of climate change are not considered.”
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