Cleveland Schools will lose $ 16 million in Ohio COVID-19 budget cuts
Cleveland – The implications of Ohio’s budget cuts for HIV from $ 775 million have an impact here in northeastern Ohio.
On Tuesday, Ohio Governor Mike Dewain announced that $ 300 million in state-level schools will be cut from kindergarten through stage 12, Medicaid spending cuts of $ 210 million, $ 110 million in higher education spending and $ 155 million In discounts for education items and other agencies.
Eric Gordon, CEO of the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, told News 5 that his team is already working on major budget adjustments, hoping the region will not experience any cuts in employment and programs this fall.
But Gordon made it clear, if new COVID-19 federal assistance is not provided to school districts in northeastern Ohio, and regions across the country, corona virus revenue losses will have a devastating impact on education.
“For us, we estimate it could range from 16 to 17 million dollars,” Gordon said.
“There is a tsunami coming behind this earthquake and it is our budget and the only institution that can be fixed is Congress.”
Gordon said that he and 61 other school district leaders across the country submitted a letter to Congress a few weeks ago, urging federal leaders to issue specific financial aid related to coronaviruses to schools, knowing that state budget cuts are on the way.
Zach Schiller, a researcher at Policy Matters Ohio, told the news that he believed the governor should have used some of the state’s $ 2.7 billion in rainy days to avoid massive budget cuts.
Schiller said: “Well, I advise the governor to look outside, and if he looks outside, he will see it flow.”
“For those who will say we should hold it for a later time, we don’t use it now to avoid this kind of cut, and then we draw up a plan to increase the revenue we need.”
“Do we really believe that cutting health care and education in the midst of a pandemic is actually the best short or long-term option?”
Greg Lawson, a research fellow at the Buckeye Institute, also had questions about not using some of the rainy-day money, but he said he understood the ruler’s logic of not playing this card yet.
“A little surprising, there was no more rain day money that was being used,” Lawson said.
“But if you spend everything now, we don’t know what will happen in the next fiscal year that begins in July first.”
“We hope the economy will recover quickly, but there is no guarantee.”
“My feeling is that there will be some really painful decisions that have not been taken yet.”
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